Opportunity! Check the orifaces and see what could unplug them!

If we cannot afford to take care of our veterans, then we should stop making 
David C. Wilker Jr.

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Robert Alpizar 
  To: vintage-macs@googlegroups.com 
  Sent: Friday, June 05, 2009 9:35 PM
  Subject: Re: Stylewriter help

  Well, we can cancel my pleas for help, at least for the stylewriter. I killed 
the printhead. Ripped the nozzle end off of the main body and it's now not 
going to come back together. 

  Still, my question about other printers stands. Anywhere to find a list of 
printers with mac serial ports?

  On Fri, Jun 5, 2009 at 10:16 PM, Mr. David C. Wilker Jr. 
<wilkerbeas...@charter.net> wrote:

    I remeber when i was married to a drug user. She would put Polident tablets 
in her smoking aparatus. I guess the fizzing helped. 

    If we cannot afford to take care of our veterans, then we should stop 
making them.
    David C. Wilker Jr.
    USAF (RET)

      ----- Original Message ----- 
      From: Robert Alpizar 
      To: vintage-macs@googlegroups.com 
      Sent: Friday, June 05, 2009 12:37 PM
      Subject: Re: Stylewriter help

      I'm going to try the windex part next. I pulled the ejection nozzles/pcb 
part off the main body of the cartridge tray and ran it under nice hot tap 
water and then soaked it in alcohol/water overnight. I let it dry out and then 
tried it again, but got the result I mentioned earlier.

      I'm thinking I may have to replace the part altogether though, I don't 
think it liked being disassembled. I am looking for a replacement just in case.

      Is there a list of some kind somewhere that tells what printers were made 
with mac serial ports? I've started looking at deskwriters and other 
stylewriters. I've even been looking at image writers on ebay. At least I know 
those can survive bomb blasts and still print.

      On Fri, Jun 5, 2009 at 2:54 PM, Rodolfo Gil Pernía 
<gilrodo...@hotmail.com> wrote:

        Hi there.
        First step unclogging printheads: Are you sure that your ink cartridge 
actually has ink left inside it?.
        Water and alcohol will not dilute injection ink. Hot water is a way to, 
let say, “melt” ink, it will work with shallow dry ink. 
        This is what I do: use distiller water (or bottled water such Evian). 
Heat the water in the microwave to the point that it is almost boiling (be 
careful). Soak the printhead (only the nozzle or the injection side, not the 
whole print head). In the meantime, heat more water in another container, when 
the temperature goes down, move the heads to the new hot water. Recycle water 
and re-heat. Allow the print heads to be in hot water for about 10minutes. 
While the printhead is still warm, press the nozzles side onto a lint free 
fabric, like an old cotton  t-shirt. The ink will wick into the fabric from the 
nozzles as the water is drawn out of the printhead. Don’t rub the cloth across 
the nozzles, just press it. Do this several times, when  you change printhead 
to new hot water. To test, put the printheads back to the printer and run the 
cleaning routine if aviable or print a paper with a pattern of four full 
vertical colored frames in CMYK colors (I mean cian, magenta, yellow and 
black). Sometimes you will need to full print two or three letter size papers 
to see the colors OK.
              If the printhead is still clogged,  then you will need to 
“torture” the printhead. Look at the supermarket for a glass/windows cleaner 
with ammonia (fuller, windex). Ammonia will dilute the injection ink. It will 
clean the surface of your printer (ink residues) very nice. Do not buy alcohol 
based window cleaner, it is the same as using water. Repeat the cleaning 
process again with hot ammonia cleaner instead of water. Soak the printhead 
overnight. Be carefull when heating cleaner in the microwave, it can blew up 
and made a mess. Heat up the cleaner just to the point that it will starts to 
boil (watch the time, I use a cup with 1cm of cleaner level and 25 seconds on 
mine). If you soak overnight then almos sure your nozzles will have ink 
leakage. Use absorbent paper and allow the paper to be in contact with nozzles 
for some time (one hour or more) until ink leakage stops.
        I only have experience with HP products and I have recovered old ink 
cartridges+printhead doing this on HP#17 and HP#15 and printheads HP#10 for 

        I hope this help you.


        P.S. Sorry for bugs in my English.


        Date: Fri, 5 Jun 2009 10:03:23 -0400
        Subject: Re: Stylewriter help
        From: sen...@gmail.com 

        To: vintage-macs@googlegroups.com

        So, I tried the running under hot tap water. I've tried the soaking in 
alcohol. Neither seemed to work. The printer still goes through the action of 
printing, but nothing comes out on the page. The printhead itself has residue 
from ink passing through it after the print cycle, but nothing came out on the 

        Any ideas? Or as the head just dead?

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Check it out.


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