--- On Sun, 7/11/10, Doug McNutt <dougl...@macnauchtan.com> wrote:

> Somewhere on the web is a Mac Plus HTTP server. I remember
> trying it out when it was last advertised, I think here.

 and likely equivalent more or less to Trumpet for peecees. A novelty at best.
> I did a bunch of satellite data processing on a Mac Plus.
> The lab wouldn't buy it for me but it ran circles around the
> peecees that could be approved. It also has nice, easy to
> program, serial ports that are simply not available on
> modern Macs.

 I'd like to know specifically how it ran circles around any pc (even a Sanyo 
MBC-550 that ran @ 3.58Mhz LOL).
> It also calculated sines and cosines correctly which is
> more than Control Data did in big machine software that was
> off in the 5th decimal digit. That stuff went to the moon.

 likely a function of the 68k chip, which could be found in the Atari ST's, 
Amigas, and a host of other machines. Still what a computer is capable of _is_ 
largely  a function of it's chosen cpu, but other 68k machines ran bloody rings 
around the Mac. And for a lot less money.

 *all the preceding in my humble little opinion*

 Don't get me wrong, I love the Mac. As a performance machine in _any_ era - 
well, I'm just not buying it. It wasn't just slow, it was expensive. No 
dedicated crt controller. Bizarre disk scheme, etc. etc.


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