I have a Q700 I picked up at a recycling center and tried a while back to get working, but didn't have any luck, but also didn't spend much time on it, could be a bad power supply. At any rate, my recollection is that on the one I had at least, the capacitors on the motherboard were all the yellow tantalum capacitors, not the silver can electrolytic type that fail and leak in the well-known fashion. Tantalum capacitors can fail too, I have seen it happen on at least two older PC's (I assume it could happen on Macs too)...and they either fail silently and likely short out, or they can explode (blow the top off) in an impressive pop...I have observed one of each, and when they blow, they get your attention. :-) But to your original question, if it is like mine, and I'm guessing it would be, they are the more reliable tantalum capacitors that should not need replacement.


Quoting Thomas Pfaff <tpfaff...@gmail.com>:

Curious... do you know if the capacitors on the Quadra 700 mamaboard do
better than the ones in the IIci and such?  Capacitors from the pre-china
days tend to have very long lifespans but Apple got  an early start on
shipping "lesser componentry" on their boards.


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