Peter Heckert wrote:

If they only have heated water by about 50° then he would not need any permission.

In the U.S. you are not allowed to operate a boiler as large as this without a permit. It makes no difference whether it produces steam or hot water. You must have a permit; the machine has to be installed by a licensed HVAC person; and it has to be periodically inspected for safety.

I have no idea what the rules are in Italy.

I am talking about conventional electric and combustion boilers. I do not think the authorities would make an exception for a nuclear reactor that works by unknown principles. I do not think they would say, "we have no rule that applies to that so go ahead and do whatever you want."

On the other hand, as someone suggested here, perhaps if you apply for a permit they may say: "cold fusion does not exist. Your reactor must be fake, so we will not issue a permit. This is not our department. Perhaps the police should be brought in to investigate fraud, but we do not issue permits for imaginary reactors. Do as you please."

- Jed

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