pulled thread, migration to new thread.


To: *Toddsterpatriot*

We do know that Rossi refused a request to put meters on ALL electrical
wires running to his contraption. In fact he was offered a million dollars
to do so and still refused.

121 <http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/news/2905533/posts?page=121#121>posted
on *Wed
05 Mar 2014 06:44:52 PM PST* by
[ Post Reply <http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/news/2905533/reply?c=121>
| Private
102 <http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/news/2905533/posts?page=118#102> | View
Replies <http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/news/2905533/replies?c=121> | Report
Abuse <http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/news/2905533/abuse?c=121>]

***I'm posting this stuff here so I can speak my mind and not get the
thread pulled.

That is complete BullSHIT.  The skeptopaths continually twist the facts and
lie about what happened in order to induce responses, then they slowly put
in personal insults and flamebait, tag-team troll in order to pollute the
thread, and generally act like a bunch of assholes.

My response is that This isn't a f**king Rossi thread.  They do this all
the time.  Rossi rossi rossi.  So they can pollute the thread.  They're
anti LENR, Anti-science Luddites and will not own up to it.  They get away
with this behavior because the mods are one sided.

Rossi didn't refuse the request to put meters on anything.  He was offered
money by Dick Smith and it wasn't worth Rossi's time.  Smith kept changing
the parameters because he realized that Rossi COULD deliver.

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