[Francesco gave me permission to distribute this.]

Dear Colleagues,

I attended last Friday (January 14, 2011) the "demonstration" of Andrea Rossi-Sergio Focardi experiment.

It was held in an "industrial" building, far from Bologna City (about 10km).

* Only people that get *PERSONAL invitation* were able to attend it.
There were several security people around the hall and outside the building.
Total people attending was 40-50 (according to my estimation).
There were several people from Physics Department from Bologna University, Director included. Moreover, also the Director of Bologna Section of National Institute of Nuclear Physics attended, in almost official way, the demonstration.

* The experiment started at about 15:30 and ended at (about )16:45.

The experiment measurement about energy emission was based on a modified "flow calorimeter" method (peristaltic pump, small size, about 10-20W of power).
They warmed-up the water up to 102°C, pressurised vapor condition.
They consumed water was about 12-14 liters (my evaluation).

/** All the measurements were made, INDEPENDENTLY, from a Researcher (and Technicians) of Bologna University. Rossi made only supervision about key safety aspects.
The amount of the reactant wasn't clear but can be of the order of few gram.
According to Rossi, it is a complex mixture of *Nickel* and another (*1 or 2, SECRET) additives,* key for the energy emission.
All the material is in the state of *nano-particles* or colloid.

In the pressurised (about 2 Atm.) chamber, volume of the order of 1-2 liters, there were the cooling pipe and the reactants.
Hydrogen gas was added continuously, at low rate.
According to the Authors, they say that the "trigger" is just heat (at quite high temperatures: T>T_Curie of Nikel ???), other people speculated about ultrasounds.
The input power was of the order of 500-700W at maximum.
An approximate calculation, supposing no thermal dissipation from the reactor, give:

Input Energy (3600s): (500--700 W)*3600=(1.8--2.52)MJ
Output Energy to increase the water temperature of 90°C: 4.2* (102°C-12°C)=378 J/g
Vaporitation enthalpy, about 40.6kJ/mole water= 2633J/g
Total energy (with 13 liter of water vaporized)= 378+2633=3011J/g of water=>39.14MJ

The energy gain is of the order of a factor 15-20=>really large!

* It was assembled also a twin gamma ray detector in order to detect e+e- annihilation: this time almost no results. Focardi was confident that they will get large amounts of such signal, as in previous experiment. This time the counts were close to background for coincidences and only some uncorrelated signal were over background.

* I bring a gamma detector, battery operated, 1.25" NaI(Tl). Energy range=25keV-2000keV. I measured some increase of counts near the reactor (about 50-100%) during operation, in a erratic (unstable) way, in respect to background. I decided to move the gamma detector from "counts" to "spectra" mode. After few minutes Eng. Rossi realised that I was trying to identify something "secret" inside the reactor: I was forced to stop the measurements.

The discussion, mostly scientific and even "hot" about details, lasted up to 18:45. Some Italian news-paper made on-line report of the whole experiment (over 3h).
The government television report isn't still now not allowable.

* As soon as I will get more details I will send to You.

Thanks for Your attention,

Francesco CELANI

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