I take you do not read what I have written on this subject? We were ready to do a deal for the 1 MW thermal plant but Rossi suggested we wait as he is not ready to sell us a high temp thermal oil 1 MW E-Cat plant. Why? Because the plant is still in R&D and the necessary technical specifications are not yet available. Without the tech specs we can't construct a purchase order with performance specs that need to be met before we part with our money. Rossi is very conservative and has never attempted to over sell his product. More to the point he says it will do what the specs say it will do and nothing more. I respect him for that conservative stance.

I expect what Rossi will offer us is a complete package, including the 330 Ac kW gen set, all tied up with a nicely integrated NI thermal kW and Ac kW control system. That would be nice. When Rossi is ready to offer the system to us, we are ready to evaluate his offering.


On 12/26/2011 6:17 PM, Mary Yugo wrote:

On Sun, Dec 25, 2011 at 5:39 PM, Aussie Guy E-Cat <aussieguy.e...@gmail.com <mailto:aussieguy.e...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    I have allocated $100k to the cell replication project. I was
    ready to spend $200k to buy a 100 kW E-Cat system. When Rossi is
    ready to provide the detailed specifications for his 330 Ac kW
    E-Cat, we will again restart the process to acquire a unit from

I'm confused. I thought you already had an iron clad deal with Rossi to buy one of his contraptions with the 100 or so E-cats in a container and were going to add electrical power generators. Is that off now, or what? You wrote about it as if it would happen practically tomorrow. Changed your mind?

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