Here are the others:

Reference Type:  Conference Proceedings

Record Number: 4062

Author: S. Park and F. Gordon

Year of Conference: 2012

Title: Cold Fusion -- From the Laboratory to the World

Conference Name: 17th International Conference on Cold Fusion

Conference Location: Daejeon, Korea

Short Title: Cold Fusion -- From the Laboratory to the World

Keywords: review

Abstract: The objective of ICCF-17 is to allow international groups of
scientists to present their data to further the collective understanding of
scientists working in the field and so that skeptical members of the
mainstream scientific community, the media, and the public will see the
evidence that “cold fusion� is real. Indeed, several groups are
currently developing commercial products that produce energy using the
“cold fusion� phenomena. Ultimately, the reality of cold fusion will be
determined by the public acceptance of commercial devices. People and
companies who continue to deny the existence of cold fusion will become
irrelevant as the applications are placed into service.

Reference Type:  Conference Proceedings

Record Number: 4072

Author: M. A. Prelas and E. Lukosi

Year of Conference: 2012

Title: Neutron Emission from Cryogenically Cooled Metals Under Thermal Shock

Conference Name: 17th International Conference on Cold Fusion

Conference Location: Daejeon, Korea

Short Title: Neutron Emission from Cryogenically Cooled Metals Under
Thermal Shock

Keywords: neutron

Abstract: In 1991 intense neutron bursts were observed after temperature
shocking titanium from LN2 to 100 C that were saturated with deuterium.
Counts were time stamped and 2 million neutrons were counted in a five
minute period. Rapid heating is suspected to produce a large pressure
inside the crystalline lattice.

Reference Type:  Conference Proceedings

Record Number: 4056

Author: J. Rothwell

Year of Conference: 2012

Title: The Future May Be Better Than You Think

Conference Name: 17th International Conference on Cold Fusion

Conference Location: Daejeon, Korea

Short Title: The Future May Be Better Than You Think

Keywords: Commercialization

Abstract: Cold fusion researchers are prone to be unduly pessimistic about
the potential for cold fusion. They know too much; they are too close to
the problem. They may also have unexamined assumptions. Researchers feel
put-upon because of political opposition. The website log
file proves there is a great deal of interest in this field. There is
broad, untapped, latent support for it. The log shows that every week
scientists and engineers download thousands of papers on cold fusion.

Reference Type:  Conference Proceedings

Record Number: 4086

Author: H. Sakoh, Y. Miyoshi, A. Taniike, Y. Furuyama, A. Kitamura, A.
Takahashi, R. Seto, Y. Fujita, T. Murota and T. Tahara

Year of Conference: 2012

Title: Hydrogen isotope absorption and heat release characteristics of a
Ni-based sample

Conference Name: 17th International Conference on Cold Fusion

Conference Location: Daejeon, Korea

Short Title: Hydrogen isotope absorption and heat release characteristics
of a Ni-based sample

Keywords: excess heat, nickel

Abstract: Recently, several researchers claimed excess heat from Ni-based
alloy samples under application to gas-phase protium absorption experiments
instead of expensive Pd-based nanocompounds. We have performed hydrogen
isotope absorption runs using the Cu-Ni-ZrO2(CNZ) and Ni-ZrO2(NZ)
nano-powders. We observed long-lasting temperature change corresponding to
astonishingly large output energy of several hundred eV/atom-Ni.

Reference Type:  Conference Proceedings

Record Number: 4063

Author: M. Srinivasan

Year of Conference: 2012

Title: Transmutations and Isotopic shifts in LENR Experiments: An Overview

Conference Name: 17th International Conference on Cold Fusion

Conference Location: Daejeon, Korea

Short Title: Transmutations and Isotopic shifts in LENR Experiments: An

Keywords: Transmutation

Abstract: This overview presents a brief summary of observations of
products of transmutation reactions which occur in a variety of LENR
configurations wherein the “host metal� nuclei react with loaded
deuterium or hydrogen, resulting in the formation of new stable elements or
isotopes not present prior to an experimental run.

Reference Type:  Conference Proceedings

Record Number: 4115

Author: R. Stringham

Year of Conference: 2012

Title: Sonofusion's Transient Dense BEC Clusters

Conference Name: 17th International Conference on Cold Fusion

Conference Location: Daejeon, Korea

Short Title: Sonofusion's Transient Dense BEC Clusters

Keywords: Sonofusion

Abstract: D2O cavitation produces z-pinch jets implanting a target lattice;
a picosecond of a plasma charge separation produces electromagnetic pulses
that squeeze deuteron clusters into nuclear BECs with a high critical
temperature. This is the perfect environment for a measured DD++ fusion
event. (D+ -- D+ ) separation is via electron image charge.

Reference Type:  Conference Proceedings

Record Number: 4061

Author: M. R. Swartz and P. L. Hagelstein

Year of Conference: 2012

Title: Demonstration of Energy Gain from a Preloaded ZrO2-PdD
Nanostructured CF/LANR Quantum Electronic Device at MIT

Conference Name: 17th International Conference on Cold Fusion

Conference Location: Daejeon, Korea

Short Title: Demonstration of Energy Gain from a Preloaded ZrO2-PdD
Nanostructured CF/LANR Quantum Electronic Device at MIT

Reference Type:  Conference Proceedings

Record Number: 4069

Author: M. R. Swartz, G. M. Verner and J. Tolleson

Year of Conference: 2012

Title: Energy Gain From Preloaded ZrO2-PdNi-D Nanostructured CF/LANR
Quantum Electronic Components

Conference Name: 17th International Conference on Cold Fusion

Conference Location: Daejeon, Korea

Short Title: Energy Gain From Preloaded ZrO2-PdNi-D Nanostructured CF/LANR
Quantum Electronic Components

Keywords: excess heat

Abstract: Previously, we reported that such nanocomposite ZrO2-PdNiD LANR
materials have been made into LANR/CF transistors which exhibit energy gain
and simultaneous non-thermal near infrared emission. This is accompanied by
complicated polarization/transconduction phenomena including an avalanche
transconduction electrical breakdown, which has a critical role in excess
heat generation. This paper presents a new generation of preloaded LANR
(CF) activated nanocomposite ZrO2-PdNiD CF/LANR quantum electronic devices
capable of energy gain. These devices dry, glued into electrically
conductive, sealed, configurations. The core is ZrO2-(PdNiD) with
additional D2 and H2. They are self-contained CF/LANR quantum electronic
components containing ZrO2-PdNi-D LANR/CF nanostructured materials which
generate significant excess heat from applied electric fields. They also
feature two terminals and self-contained superior handling properties
enabling portability and transportability. Most importantly, the activation
of the desired LANR reactions is, for the first time, separated from the
loading of the substrate. Although their development has required control
of their breakdown states and the quenching tendencies of nanostructured
materials, these ZrO2-PdNiD CF/LANR quantum electronic devices are
potentially very useful because they are reproducible active nanostructured
CF/LANR quantum electronic devices.

Reference Type:  Conference Proceedings

Record Number: 4111

Author: S. Szpak and F. Gordon

Year of Conference: 2012

Title: Forcing the Pd/^1 H - ^1H2O System into a Nuclear Active State

Conference Name: 17th International Conference on Cold Fusion

Conference Location: Daejeon, Korea

Short Title: Forcing the Pd/^1 H - ^1H2O System into a Nuclear Active State

Keywords: electron capture, theory

Abstract: In cells employing cathodes prepared by the co-deposition
process, the polarized Pd/D - D2O system becomes nuclear active when the
concentration of deuterium, expressed as D/Pd atomic ratio, is equal to or
greater than one. In contrast, to activate the polarized Pd/H-H2O system,
action of an external magnetic field, modulation of cell current or both,
are required. Evidence for the nuclear active state in the Pd/H - H2O
system, namely deuterium production, particle emission and catastrophic
thermal event, is presented. Extension of nuclear active state to the Pd/^1
H - ^1H2O system under the application of an external magnetic field and
modulated  cell current profile is discussed.

Reference Type:  Conference Proceedings

Record Number: 4108

Author: D. Szumski

Year of Conference: 2012

Title: Nickel Transmutation and Excess Heat Model Using Reversible

Conference Name: 17th International Conference on Cold Fusion

Conference Location: Daejeon, Korea

Short Title: Nickel Transmutation and Excess Heat Model Using Reversible

Keywords: Theory

Abstract: This research develops the Least Action Nuclear Process (LANP)
model of cold fusion, by assuming that the process is thermodynamically
reversible. This requires: 1) one element of new physical theory, a
far-from-equilibrium blackbody equation having a second temperature scale,
and 2) a nuclear reaction selection method based in the Principle of Least
Action. The model appears to predict nuclear transmutations observed in
Miley’s nickel microspheres, without false positives, and provides a
plausible explanation of loading and ignition processes, excess heat, no
excess heat, and the absence of gamma radiation. The model shows how solar
core temperatures can exist in a laboratory temperature device. The
presentation is abstracted from a larger technical paper.

Reference Type:  Conference Proceedings

Record Number: 4073

Author: N. Takahashi, S. Kosaka, T. Hioki and T. Motohiro

Year of Conference: 2012

Title: Detection of Pr in Cs ion-implanted Pd/CaO multilayer complexes with
and without D2 gas permeation

Conference Name: 17th International Conference on Cold Fusion

Conference Location: Daejeon, Korea

Short Title: Detection of Pr in Cs ion-implanted Pd/CaO multilayer
complexes with and without D2 gas permeation

Keywords: Transmutation

Abstract: The Iwamura-type nuclear transmutation, 133Cs --> 141Pr, with D2
permeation through Pd/CaO multilayer complex was examined. Using ICP-MS,
the amounts of Pr were measured in the range 10E10 atoms/cm2. The amounts
of Pr measured in D2 permeated samples were larger than those in non-D2
permeated samples.

Reference Type:  Conference Proceedings

Record Number: 4077

Author: A. Takahashi

Year of Conference: 2012

Title: Physics of Cold Fusoin by TSC Theory

Conference Name: 17th International Conference on Cold Fusion

Conference Location: Daejeon, Korea

Short Title: Physics of Cold Fusoin by TSC Theory

Keywords: theory

Abstract: This paper gives explanation on the basic physics of cold fusion
by the TSC (tetrahedral symmetric condensate) theory. Models of TSC
formation conditions in condensed matter are first proposed. Secondly
formulas for cold fusion rates per D(H)-cluster are explained with typical
quantitative results. The 4D/TSC fusion and the 4H/TSC WS fusion are
answers, respectively for the D (deuterium)- system and the H

Reference Type:  Conference Proceedings

Record Number: 4090

Author: G. Tarasenko

Year of Conference: 2012

Title: Geological aspect of cold fusion

Conference Name: 17th International Conference on Cold Fusion

Conference Location: Daejeon, Korea

Short Title: Geological aspect of cold fusion

Keywords: geology

Abstract: The formation of planets associated with the "big bang". Dusty
nebulae observed by astronomers in telescopes observatories around the
world show their spiral structure, indicating the rotation. This rotation
leads to dynamo effect and the accumulation of a huge electrical charge.
During the electric discharge (Bang) spherical plasma formation of planets
(stars) have a magnetic and gravitational fields due to the rotating
plasma. It is processed and all the collected debris and formed the primary
lithosphere (crust), which also constantly absorbed by a spiral rotation of
the plasma, called subduction on Earth. . . .

Reference Type:  Conference Proceedings

Record Number: 4102

Author: J. Tian, B. Shen, L. H. Jin, X. G. Zhao, X. Lu and H.-Y. Wang

Year of Conference: 2012

Title: Excess Heat Triggered by Different Current in a D/Pd Gas-loading

Conference Name: 17th International Conference on Cold Fusion

Conference Location: Daejeon, Korea

Short Title: Excess Heat Triggered by Different Current in a D/Pd
Gas-loading System

Keywords: gas loading, heat

Abstract: In order to study the relationship between the triggering
current, deuterium pressure and the excess heat, a series of experiments
were made in a D/Pd gas-loading system. By comparing the system constants
(k=?T/?P) in both nitrogen and deuterium atmosphere we found an optimum
current (8A) and a deuterium pressure (9×104 Pa) in which the system could
release a maximum excess power (more than 80W). The reproducibility was
16/16 and the excess energy released in the longest experiment was about
300MJ within 40 days, which was corresponding to 104 eV for each palladium
atom. Analysis of the palladium surface with a scanning electron microscopy
(SEM) and an energy dispersive spectrometer (EDS) revealed that some new
surface topographical feature with concentrations of unexpected elements
(such as Ag, Sn, Pb and Ca) appeared after the current triggering. The
results implied that the excess heat might come from a nuclear

Reference Type:  Conference Proceedings

Record Number: 4059

Author: T. van Houwelingen

Year of Conference: 2012

Title: Is commercial low energy nuclear reaction (LENR) the real deal?

Conference Name: 17th International Conference on Cold Fusion

Conference Location: Daejeon, Korea

Short Title: Is commercial low energy nuclear reaction (LENR) the real deal?

Keywords: Commercialization

Abstract: This presentation attempts to analyze whether or not commercial
LENR is real and when/if products are coming to market. This analysis is
targeted at executive level decision and policy makers as well as persons
new to the field or those seeking an update on the latest progress.

Reference Type:  Conference Proceedings

Record Number: 4082

Author: V. Vysotskii, M. Vysotskyy and S. Adamenko

Year of Conference: 2012

Title: Application of Correlated States of Interacting Particles in
Nonstationary and Periodical Modulated LENR Systems

Conference Name: 17th International Conference on Cold Fusion

Conference Location: Daejeon, Korea

Short Title: Application of Correlated States of Interacting Particles in
Nonstationary and Periodical Modulated LENR Systems

Keywords: Theory

Abstract: In the report the universal mechanism of optimization of low
energy nuclear reactions on the basis of coherent correlated states of
interacting particles at different kinds of nonstationary periodical action
to the system is considered. We have considered the peculiarities and
investigated the efficiency of the creation of a correlated state under a
periodic action on a harmonic oscillator. This method is shown to lead to
rapid formation of a strongly correlated particle state that provides an
almost complete clearing of the potential barrier even for a narrow range
of oscillator frequency variations. Several successful low energy fusion
experiments based on usage of correlated states of interacting particles
are discussed.

Reference Type:  Conference Proceedings

Record Number: 4098

Author: V. Vysotskii

Year of Conference: 2012

Title: On the possibility of application of Widom-Larsen Theory for
Analysis and Explanation of Rossi Experiments

Conference Name: 17th International Conference on Cold Fusion

Conference Location: Daejeon, Korea

Short Title: On the possibility of application of Widom-Larsen Theory for
Analysis and Explanation of Rossi Experiments

Keywords: Theory

Abstract: The effectiveness and possibility of application of Widom-Larsen
(W-L) theory for explanation of Rossi experiments on stimulation of (p,
Ni^A) low energy nuclear reactions (LENR) is analyzed. The carried out
analysis has shown that W-L theory, which is connected with the inverse
reaction of beta-decay in variable electric field of surface plasmon in
metal hydride, is unsuitable for the description and explanation of Rossi
experiments in metal hydrides.

Reference Type:  Conference Proceedings

Record Number: 4099

Author: V. Vysotskii, A. A. Kornilova, V. Chernysh, N. Gavrilova and A.

Year of Conference: 2012

Title: Stimulated (B^11 p) LENR and Emission of Nuclear Particles in
Hydroborates in the Region of Phase Transfer Point

Conference Name: 17th International Conference on Cold Fusion

Conference Location: Daejeon, Korea

Short Title: Stimulated (B^11 p) LENR and Emission of Nuclear Particles in
Hydroborates in the Region of Phase Transfer Point

Keywords: Theory

Abstract: In the work the peculiarities of proton (hydrogen) processes,
taking place in a special class of crystals (in hydroborates), linked to
the task of isolating and separating hydrogen and nuclear fusion with
participation of hydrogen are considered. Preliminary results on
observation of stimulated B^11 + p = He^4 + Delta E reaction in
hydroborates are presented.

Reference Type:  Conference Proceedings

Record Number: 4109

Author: X. F. Wang and Y. Arata

Year of Conference: 2012

Title: The Possibility of the Reuse of Nano-Pd Particles for Solid Fusion

Conference Name: 17th International Conference on Cold Fusion

Conference Location: Daejeon, Korea

Short Title: The Possibility of the Reuse of Nano-Pd Particles for Solid

Keywords: nano-particles

Abstract: According to the measuring results of our paper presented at
ICCF15(2009), helium as an important evidence of solid-state fusion has
been confirmed clearly by mass analyzer "QMS". It is well known that the
D/Pd ratio larger than 0.88 is favorable to observe an excess heat during
the loading of Palladium with deuterium. As for our nano-Pd particles, the
D/Pd ratio was expected to reach to 200%~400%. However, after a solid
fusion recycle, the produced helium remained inside Pd lattice. The
residual helium is considered an awful impurity that restricts the
absorption rate of deuterium in palladium, and then destroyed the solid
fusion reaction. As the nano-Pd particle is expensive material, to realize
the practical utility of solid fusion technology, the reuse of the nano-Pd
particle is considered to be the most important thing. In this paper, the
possible methods to solve the problem of the reuse of the nano-Pd particle
are discussed.

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