Cold fusion seems to bring out the crazies. They do not think rationally and they do not understand basic science, yet they are sure they are right. I'm glad you are trying to keep them close to reality. Your patience is amazing.

Ed Storms
On May 30, 2013, at 12:47 PM, Jed Rothwell wrote:

Edmund Storms <> wrote:

Mark, why don't you ask and quote some who actually understand cold fusion, like myself?

Well, Ed, at least he quoted Elforsk. That's progress! The people Elforsk do not understand cold fusion but they do understand electricity, IR cameras, and the Stefan-Boltzmann law, which is more than you can say for Dr. Siegel.

In the comment section Gibbs went on to ask me to recommend a do-it- yourself guide for Siegel. I recommended your paper. Fat chance that Siegel will even read it, and no chance he could do it.

This gets back the hilarious comment of mine quoted in the article itself: ". . . if there were a breakthrough in astrophysics, would you call an electric power company engineer to ask him his opinion of it?" (Hilarious if I do say so myself.) The notion that an astrophysicist knows more about measuring electricity than electrical engineers do is too funny for words. Talk about teaching grandma how to suck eggs!

- Jed

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