Hi there, 
I said this on your IRC channel...

* Now talking on #vos
* Topic for #vos is: Virtual Object System :: http:://interreality.org :: Free 
Multi-user Virtual Reality
* Topic for #vos set by tetron|mac at Tue Dec 12 04:28:20 2006
* #vos :[freenode-info] why register and identify? your IRC nick is how people 
know you. http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup
<Mind_Booster_Noo> hi there
* You are now known as Mind_Booster
<Mind_Booster> I saw your website...
<Mind_Booster> I wonder, does the VOS server already comes with this "plugin" 
to interconnect a world with IRC?
<Mind_Booster> I'm a talker owner (for those now knowing, a talker is a 
text-based virtual world) and it would be great to be able to connect it to a 
graphical world like VOS
<Mind_Booster> keeping both interfaces, the "via telnet text-based world" and 
the vos-browser...
<Mind_Booster> hmm, I guess you're all asleep :-P
<Mind_Booster> I guess I'll email this question to the mailing list :-)
<Mind_Booster> thanks anyway, and keep up with the effort :-)

Can anyone please give me an answer? I would really be interested in this.

Marcos Marado
Sonaecom IT

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