
On Wed, Feb 9, 2011 at 4:39 PM, Martin Holst Swende <> wrote:
> On 02/09/2011 02:31 AM, Steve Pinkham wrote:
> On 02/08/2011 08:08 PM, Andres Riancho wrote:
> Steve,
> noSQL servers are usually fast because they are in-memory systems.
> sqlite can be used in that mode also if you like.
> mongodb is not an in-memory db!
> In practice, it is.  It stores all indexes in memory and uses memory
> mapped files. It will automatically consume all available memory (which
> is a good thing or bad thing depending on what else you want to use the
> server for).
> Hi all,
> I have to say I disagree that MongoDB is called a memory-db. There are such
> things as memory-databases, e.g. H2, and MongoDB is not one of them. These
> databases keep *all* data in memory, which is another matter than using the
> memory for indices (which are orders of magnitude smaller than the data) and
> caching (which I would guess that all daemon-mode databases tries to do as
> best as possible).
> I also disagree that they are "usually fast because they are in-memory
> systems". They are usually fast because they basically let the 'C' in
> Brewers CAP-theorem suffer, that is to say that they do not enforce
> consistency across all nodes. This allows for better partition tolerance and
> availability. They often employ  "eventual consistency". An example of one
> eventual-consistency system is the internet DNS system. Individual nodes
> (dns servers) may give stale information about a hostname, but eventually
> updates will reach all nodes and the system will be consistent again. Why is
> this important? Like the DNS-example, such a system can be built without any
> locks on readers or writers. Since it is ok for a reader to get 'stale'
> information, a writer can create a new version of a data-post first, then
> update the pointer. Neither reader nor writer have to wait.
> Some databases, such as CouchDB have gone further, using MVCC with a
> built-in git vcs to handle simultaneous modification of data on several
> nodes. It also has an append-only filesystem-implementation to further
> eliminate locking at the filesystem-level (and ensure that file corruption
> cannot occur)
> Having said all this, I concur that using e.g. MongoDB for w3af is probably
> not necessary, it sounds strange that sqlite would be unable to handle the
> somewhat modest amounts of data we're talking about. Also, I can see that
> concerns whether to really switch to a daemon-mode database arise. That
> totally depends on what is the purpose of w3af - if the purpose is to be a
> good scanner which is easy to use and install, daemon-db is a bad choice. If
> the purpose is to be the best - regardless of ease of installation and use -
> then I wouldn't blink before switching to a daemon database if that gives
> any advantage.
> Two more comments I disagree with:
> "It's useful in distributed, massively parallel systems, but offers no real
> benefit for single user databases."
> and
> "noSQL is just the new term for key-value stores."
> It is true that it is useful for distributed, massively parallel system, but
> there are also advantages to using it for data which fits the dynamic
> (schemaless) model. Having no schema enforced by the database does not mean
> that the database is just a disk-based hash table with blobs for values. I
> would instead say that noSQL is more like a new generation of the object
> databases, but now with generic API's (json/bson/http) and wide language
> support. Certain kinds of data fit very well into these models.
> I have written a proxy which saves http traffic into a MongoDB
> ( and a framework to analyse
> traffic from this database (
> Http traffic looks very non-uniform. Some requests are basically "GET /
> HTTP/1.1" while others contain forms or json and lots and lots of headers.
> Using MongoDB, it is possible to represent the data more at an object-level,
> e.g.
> { request:
>     { method: "GET",
>     headers:{ Content-Length: 1233, Host : "", Foo: "bar"}
>     parameters: {gaz: "onk"}
>                     },
>     response : {...}
> }
> MongoDB has very powerful querying-facilities
> ( Since the object is
> stored with this structure in the database, it is possible to reach into
> objects
> (,
> and perform e.g these kind of queries:
> "give me response.body where request.parameters.filename exists", or "give
> me request.body.parameters where request.body.parameters.__viewstate does
> not exist"
> Also, MongoDB has very powerful aggregation mechanisms
> (, where queries like the
> following can be used:
> "Organized by give me all unique parameter names.", or,
> "organized by request.url.path, give me all unique response header keys". To
> generate these, you create javascript 'reduce' functions which are executed
> inside the database.
> Another reason, beside being very dynamic, why http traffic is not
> necessarily particularly suited for SQL, is that it is pretty much
> non-relational. Relational databases are good for relational data, e.g.
> where you have Employees, which have Eoles, and are sorted in differnet
> Offices etc etc - where all the data is heavily related to other data. Http
> traffic is basically request and response. No relations to much else.
> Oh, and one more thing about incides. When I started with the
> hatkit_fiddler, I decided to wait with adding indices to see where they were
> needed. So far, I haven't felt the need to add any indices at all, it's fast
> enough anyway...
> So, I believe that some really cool things could come from a switch to
> MongoDB. But I am not convinced that performance should be a driving reason
> for such a switch.

    I think this is one of the best posts that this mailing list had.
Thanks for the very clear explanation. I'll read it carefully again
when considering the change to a noSQL DB.

> Regards,
> /Martin Holst Swende

Andrés Riancho
Director of Web Security at Rapid7 LLC
Founder at Bonsai Information Security
Project Leader at w3af

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