I think we'd need to see a bit more of the code to give you a totally
reliable answer

what kind of object is the tab? is it a frame?

We have something similar (a nav bar with tabs) and they are defined
as divs, and the class of the selected one is different, so what I do
is mostly just do an .exists?  check on the div with the properties I
expect (id and class) to see if it's there.   you might be able to do
something similar, but the presence of a 'body' tag makes me think you
are dealing with a frame or something.

'tabs' are not something native to html, so devs end up constructing
something that looks like a tab.  generally with divs, spans, graphics
etc.   since something is usually different when it's selected
(different graphic for example) depending on how that's handled you
might be able to look for that difference as a way to tell what's
currently switched on.

On Apr 14, 7:12 am, Tester78 <hmtest...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Sorry, let me be more detailed. Every time a tab is highlighted its
> shown in the body id.
> Here is the home page shown in fire bug:
> <body id="ctl00_ctl00_cphContent_Body" class="Home">
> Is there a way to verify that the class is "Home" when on the
> homepage? Thanks I'm very new at Watir.
> On Apr 14, 9:54 am, Tester78 <hmtest...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Minor problem but tab on the homepage wasn't highlighting when clicked
> > on. Is there a way to test verify that the navigational tab is
> > highlighted when clicked on.- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -
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