On Apr 14, 5:42 am, Jarmo Pertman <jarm...@gmail.com> wrote:

>Anyway, now I have completely different problem. Problem is related
>with fire_event. I have always assumed that Watir knows when
>fire_event call has finished, but it seems that IE will respond
>immediately to this call.

The firing of the event *has* finished amost as soon as it's started.
The issue is what processes are kicked off in the client side code
when the event is detected.

 I don't think Watir has (nor is it reasonable to expect it to have)
any way to tell what will happen when the event is fired, and how long
that will take to finish.  heck it could be a local flash animation or
something that takes 20 minutes to run.

brute force would just be to put in a wait (that would be long enough
to cover the time needed in any conceivable case), for the java to
finish doing it's thing.  Frankly unless execution speed is absolutely
critical, that would be my approach.

beyond that you'll have to examin what happens that is triggered by
the event, try to find the last thing it does, and make a loop or
something that looks for that to be the case (something is visible
perhaps?, or now exists that didn't exist before?   But you have to
ask yourself 'how long is it going to take me to do that, vs the time
I'd save during script execution over just using the brute force
method.  There may not be much return on the time invested to create
the more elegant solution.
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