Not sure if web2py has anything with this. Could be.

First issue is that CPU jumps up  to 100%. I am watching it with htop and 
it happens every few minutes, 'apache2' process is using it.
Site becomes unresponsive.

I tried to restart apache several times but it didn't help.
However, after server reboot CPU is back to normal and mostly below 2% 

Another issue is the memory. After server reboot memory consumption is 
<25%. After some time it goes up to 85%.
I have a controller that calls subprocess.Popen and sometimes it doesn't 
work because of "Cannot allocate memory".
This makes the memory consumption an issue.
It seems that only apache memory is growing (still using htop to check it).

I am not an apache expert and not sure what to do. I can provide additional 
details if needed.
I hope someone can help :)



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