I’m kind of ambivalent/neutral about this. One question though:

When adopting CODEOWNERS, will our existing watchlists get ported, or will each 
contributor have to modify CODEOWNERS themselves to match whatever was in the 
watchlists for them?


> On Jun 2, 2022, at 1:12 PM, Jonathan Bedard via webkit-dev 
> <webkit-dev@lists.webkit.org> wrote:
> Hey folks,
> Yusuke is interested in adding the CODEOWNERS file to the WebKit project (see 
> https://github.com/WebKit/WebKit/pull/1137). There have been some objections 
> to this, the two ones I’m aware of:
> - WebKit doesn’t assign “ownership” to pieces of code, so the name is 
> unfortunate
> - The last match “wins”, so if you subscribed to a generic directory early in 
> the file, more specific matches would override that subscription
> Despite these downsides, I think adding the CODEOWNERS file is good for the 
> project for a few reasons:
> - It’s a standard natively supported by GitHub, BitBucket and GitLab and will 
> be familiar to developers
> - File format is more simple than existing watchlist
> - Support for groups and individuals
> - No need for WebKit to host a service (other implementations of auto-CCing 
> would require this)
> I intend to work with Yusuke to land 
> https://github.com/WebKit/WebKit/pull/1137 and start adopting CODEOWNERS on 
> Monday absent objections that folks think overshadow the benefits of the 
> Jonathan
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