Ian Hickson wrote:
On Wed, 14 Dec 2005, Sander Tekelenburg wrote:
But then still, until they all do, authors will have to continue providing in-body navigational content.

One of the key concepts Tantek often pushes in the microformats forums is the idea that metadata should be visible. <link> violates this concept in most UAs today. I think that's why it hasn't really taken off.

Link was never intended to be invisible metadata, it's just that UAs never really implemented them beyond linking to stylesheets, and those that did (Mozilla Suite, Opera and Lynx), didn't to anything very creative with them.

I think the fact that <a> supports rel="" gives us a way to drop <link> altogether, actually.

What about <link rel="stylesheet">? I don't expect <a rel="stylesheet"> to perform the same function.

<style>@import;</style> could have been an acceptable alternative to link if IE didn't have annoying bugs with it.

Lachlan Hunt

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