James Graham wrote:
* Would implementations have difficulty with re-numbering list items in
linked lists, when a new <li> is dynamically inserted into a previous

I would hope not since that's one of the big attractions of this model.

Perhaps not so much for browsers that natively support it, but for a JS implementation designed for backwards compatibility in current browsers, it would have to listen for the the events like DOMNodeInserted, DOMNodeRemoved and DOMAttrModified (and possibly some others). They'd be needed to handle all cases of list items or entire lists being inserted or removed, as well as changing values for the |start|, |value| and |continue| attributes for all <ol> and <li> elements, and then update all linked lists appropriately.

That could get quite complex and complexity increases the chances of introducing bugs. Besides, not all current browsers support those events, which would make a JS implementation quite limited.

Lachlan Hunt

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