Matthew Raymond wrote:
   Here's a thought:

| <p>
|   <grouplabel for="gender">Gender:</grouplabel>
|    <label><input type="radio" name="gender" value="m">Male</label>
|    <label><input type="radio" name="gender" value="f">Female</label>
| </p>

   The element <grouplabel> gives the label for the group.

That's similar to the <label group=""> idea I posted.

The |for| attribute in this case takes a name rather than and ID,

I think that could be somewhat confusing using the same attribute name for different, but somewhat related, features. That's why I like the group attribute, because then there's no chance for confusion about whether it takes a name or id in this context.

Also, <label> already supported, so there's fewer backwards compatibility issues.

Lachlan Hunt

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