Sander wrote:

I'm not sure whether this has been requested before, but the link to the archives of this list seems to be broken at the moment, so I give it a try...

I'd like to see an extension of the hyperlink to give it an HTML-only print function. Nowadays making a print link available from within a website always involves client-side scripting. This dependency should not be necessary for something like printing as it is basic functionality in most browsers (not sure about mobile devices though).

Websites shouldn't need to have a print link, they should provide a print
style sheet with <link rel="stylesheet" media="print" src="...">. UAs should
be automatically applying the print style sheet when printing.

.all .irrelevant .navigation .and .advertisement .classes {
  display: none;

* {
  background: white !important;
  color: black !important;

should do the trick on a lot of sites if the author just bothers to put
it there. Of course the author could make the print result pretty, rather
than just a text dump. There are very few cases where a separate document
would be necessary.


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