See RFC 5870[1] for a proposed standard geo URI scheme for "geo:"
hyperlinks. - Tantek

On Mon, Oct 10, 2011 at 10:27, Matthew Slyman <> wrote:
> [Topic has been on forum for 2 weeks without reply. Now posting to mailing
> list.]
> --
> Hyperlinks for geographic coordinates are a mess. Designers of web
> applications are being forced to design their own solutions to make
> geographic links more user-friendly...
> There's a relatively simple solution to all of this that could easily be
> upgraded over time. We already have "mailto:"; hyperlinks, for example, that
> accept certain fields and map those to certain parameters within a
> user-definable (or system-specific) mail client application.
> The same could be done for geographic data. The user might install certain
> geographic information systems on their viewing device, specify their
> favourite for "geo:" links, and then when they follow a hyperlink with
> geographic content, any relevant information fields present might be
> transferred over to the geographic information system (GIS) as coordinates.
> I suggest for the HTML standards people to simply talk to Wikipedia or
> Google and copy their system, as a starting-point for discussion at least.
> Maybe their format could be tidied up slightly, but generally I think
> they've done a good job and that their work should be adopted as a standard,
> so that you don't end up seeing pages with dozens of hyperlinks (one for
> each GIS) as we do on Wikipedia.
> --
> Matthew Slyman, M.A. Computer Science (Camb)

-- - I made an HTML5 tutorial!

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