On 04/29/2013 03:51 PM, Boris Zbarsky wrote:
On 4/29/13 6:50 AM, James Graham wrote:
So far we have kept the model where the load event is auomatically
managed by the UA, rather than giving the developer direct control of it.

Developers already have direct control over the load event to the extent
being proposed, as far as I can tell.  Consider this:

   var blockers = [];
   function blockOnload() {
     var i = document.createElement("iframe");

   function unblockOnload() {

Of course expecting web developers to come up with this themselves and
have to redo all this boilerplate is not reasonable, not to mention the
pollutes-the-DOM and uses-way-too-much-memory aspect of it all.

Yes, I wasn't clear that I was referring to what is encouraged through having a documented API, rather than what is possible when one uses the existing APIs in "innovative" ways.

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