2013-08-06 17:45, Ian Hickson wrote:

If such an application needs some bulk of text data, it can be included
e.g. in <script type=text/plain>...</script> but not in a separate plain
text file (included into the application distribution, along with other
files) referred to via <script src=...></script>. This is a frustrating
restriction and makes it more difficult to maintain and customize
application. If an external plain text file could be used, the data
content could be separately managed (requiring knowledge only about the
format used).

I'm not sure what you mean by "application distribution". Why can't a
text/plain file by included the same way an image/png file is included?

It can be included as a file, but it cannot be used. I can't "read" it. That is the point. I can use an <img> element referring to an image file, but I cannot refer to a simple plain text file (or an XML file) in an HTML document in a manner that lets me process its content in scripting. I can only include it via <iframe> or <object>, but that's different from accessing its content.


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