2013-11-19 22:27, Qebui Nehebkau wrote:

A checkbox represents an input with
binary state. As I understand it, whether the input is immediate or
takes effect only on some kind of submission is defined by context -
specifically, whether the checkbox is associated with a form with a
submit button.

This more or less summarizes the alternative look at the issue that I mentioned. But I’m still inclined into thinking that distinguishing between checkboxes and switches, or giving authors the possibility of making the distinction at the level of control elements, is a useful thing to do. It’s not too late to introduce it. Most pages still use checkboxes just as selections, selecting options for some action to be requested shortly. (The <select> element may be a lost cause: as a user, you can’t know whether a dropdown just sets an option or actually “runs” it.)

In contrast, a button represents a single action, atomic from the
user's point of view. Pressing the button again should (it seems to
me) logically perform the same action again;

It would be too restrictive to require that, and an reality, things don’t work that way. For example, if the action consists of deleting something, you just can’t repeat it next.


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