2014-02-22 3:03, Ian Hickson wrote:

(Note that a lot of people in the UK have no idea how to write their
address according to current standards. For example, people often include
the county, give the "real" town rather than the "post town", put things
out of order, indent each line of the address, etc.)

The phenomenon is probably not limited to the UK. Few people even know the current standards (national and international).

I think it would be more important to have the option of using less address levels, rather than more.

Some fine-grained control for naming different components of an address are undoubtedly useful at times. It would be even more useful to have a common, "standard" name for just an address. That is, whatever someone wants the sender to put in an envelope. Its internal structure does not matter, as long as it works, and as usual, it is up to the recipient to specify the address in a manner that works.

Forms that require the user to split his address to small pieces may have their reasons. But if you just want to have an address to send stuff to, then all you need is a working postal address. A textarea with, say, name="postal", if used on different pages, would then let the user enter his entire address very simply, after just once typing it.

Probably "postal" should be specified so that it relates to a postal address that is complete for delivery except the recipient name. The reason is that the name is so often asked separately


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