On Tue, Aug 19, 2014 at 1:29 PM, Marcos Caceres <w...@marcosc.com> wrote:
> On August 19, 2014 at 2:08:04 PM, Jonas Sicking (jo...@sicking.cc) wrote:
>> > > How would you handle feature detection with this design?
>> This is a good question. I don't have a better solution than adding
>> separate DisplayWakeLock() and SystemWakeLock() classes.
> Might make sense to do it this way regardless. It might be that we need to 
> add different behavior for each type of lock in the future.
> Ok, so taking into consideration the feedback received so far - how about 
> something like:
> ```
> [Constructor]
> interface DisplayLock : WakeLock {
>    static readonly attribute boolean isHeld;
> }
> [Constructor]
> interface SystemLock : WakeLock {
>    static readonly attribute boolean isHeld;
> }

Why is isHeld still used here?  You don't need it to avoid squashing
someone else's lock with this design, and several people have pointed
out that exposing it is a footgun, as people might check it and decide
they don't need to request their own lock (only to be screwed when the
other lock releases earlier or later than they expected).


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