On Fri, Feb 13, 2015 at 9:02 AM, Glenn Maynard <gl...@zewt.org> wrote:

> Copying ASCII isn't desirable.  It should copy the Unicode string "a →
> b".  After all, that's what gets copied if you had done "<span>a →
> b</span>" in the first place.

(Oh, I missed the obvious--the "->" from Firefox is coming from the HTML,
of course.)

I guess what you're after is being able to have separate text for display
vs. copy.  I'm sure you don't actually want to use a hacky custom
font.  What's the actual use case?  In general I think browsers should
always copy just what the user selected, and not let pages cause something
other than that to be copied, since things like that are generally abused
(eg. inserting linkback ads to copied text).

Glenn Maynard

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