On Tue, 17 Mar 2015, Andrea Rendine wrote:
> Changes to make:
>  - The properties
> dc.created,
> dc.date.issued,
> dc.dateCopyrighted,
> dc.dateSubmitted,
> dc.license,
> dc.mediator,
> dc.medium,
> dc.modified,
> dc.provenance,
> dc.references,
> dc.temporal,
> dc.valid
>   are to be REMOVED because not defined by the specification.

Are they used by people? If so, it seems like it's the DC specification 
that should be fixed.

>  + The properties [...]
>   are to be INTRODUCED [...]

That should be non-controversial.

>  + all dc.prefixed properties should present a note advising authors NOT to
> use them when a value in the proper range is to be provided (/elements/1.1/
> namespace is maintained for legacy reasons, as some properties could have a
> value not fitting the range as it was defined in 2008 revision; however,
> now specific ranges have been defined, so it is auspicable that authors
> conform to them; in that case the more specific /terms/ namespace
> properties:
> http://wiki.dublincore.org/index.php/FAQ/DC_and_DCTERMS_Namespaces).

I'm not sure what you're saying here. Isn't the DC spec a more appropriate 
place for such warnings, though?

> - The property
> dcterms.collection
>   is to be REMOVED as it defines a class of properties in DCMI
> specification, not a real property

Is it used by anyone?

> - The properties
> dcterms.hasFormat,
> dcterms.hasPart,
> dcterms.hasVersion,
> dcterms.isFormatOf,
> dcterms.isPartOf,
> dcterms.isReferencedBy,
> dcterms.isReplacedBy,
> dcterms.isRequiredBy,
> dcterms.isVersionOf,
> dcterms.references,
> dcterms.relation,
> dcterms.replaces,
> dcterms.requires,
> dcterms.source,
> dcterms.subject
>   are to be REMOVED, because per spec these properties are meant to define
> non-literal values and as such <meta@name> is not suitable.

Again, are they used by anyone?

>  + Properties whose value can reasonably be either a literal or a
> non-literal surrogate should be marked with a note stating that, if a
> resource non-literal reference is to be provided, it is better to use a
> <link rel="dcterms.property" href="reference" title="literal definition" />
> rather a <meta> element whose content is a string.

I don't really understand this either, but it seems also like something 
that should be done in the relevant spec, not the registry.

>  + Prefix structures, both in namespace definition <link
> rel="schema.DCTERMS/DC"> and in properties <meta name="DCTERMS/DC"> should
> be capitalised both in existing properties and in those defined in this
> message (I wrote them lowercase for the sake of uniformity).

Aren't these values case-insensitive?

Ian Hickson               U+1047E                )\._.,--....,'``.    fL
http://ln.hixie.ch/       U+263A                /,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'

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