
I've beenhaving a really hard time getting even my simplest website ideas 
implemented. I've done some html coding in the past, but I don't have a 
reallyextensive knowledge of it.  I came up with a more innovative way to 
codehtml, but I haven't found any resources to get the idea implemented as 
astandard.  I propose two new tags, being <source>, and<destination> for use 
with object-oriented html code.


Allobject types, being apps, forms, gifs, images, record, and member data would 
beretrieved from database, or folder records by the <source> tag.

IE:<source [type]/#coord#/db_server/target_folder/source_object>.


The<destination> tag would be utilized for directing output to fourdestination 
types, being display, link, record, or member destinations.

IE: <destination [type]/db_server/target_folder/destination_record>


Formelements are created as standard html code, by means of an html generator, 
orby means of a draw application as images.  A draw application would embedthe 
images with a numbered name tag, and a single centered text line for 
input,within the image span.  The elements are stored as a single form file 
withthe extension .frm.  These form records are essentially html objects,which 
are retrieved by the <source> tag.  The data that is inputinto the form fields 
by users is extracted, and stored as record data in adatabase, or folder, by 
the <destination> tag, for reuse as member data.


Data thatis input into fields can also be displayed directly onto the screen 
coordinatewith attributes that are set in the <destination> tag.





On next_page.html:

<source record/display>

<source record/db_server/target_folder/content.txt>


The plussign at the end appends multiple <destination> tags, for useof multiple 
destination types, and instructions, sequentially in one destination block.


SourceTypes:  App/Form/Gif/Image/Record/Member

DestinationTypes:  Display/Link/Record/Member

Source isfor retrieval of content from html records.

Destinationis for output, and storage of content from html records, and user 

Displayis the display clipboard record, which contains the display 
text/imageinformation stored sequentially, with the corresponding coordinate 
tags (display record memory is cleared immediately after use).

Member isthe path record, which contains all of the member’s tagged information 
sequentially, for use per user session as a variable, for retrieval of member 
information (IE: <name>, <addr>, <age>, <dob>, <club>, etc...).

Please don't hesitate to reply with any questions, or comments.




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