Hi Martijn,

Nice excercise. As a user of Wicket, I'd say:
Which one gets precedent? The modifier or onComponentTag?
either modifier or neither (an exception).
The modifier is added later and provides a one-time way to adapt an existing component. Letting the component have precedence is weird because then the modifier was added for nothing. If it is not possible to make this consistent, it should not be allowed (the exception). If it is not possible to check the consistency, the whole model is wrong so I do not believe that this is the case.
Does it even matter?
yes and users will expect it to be consistent for eternity (I would).
Is the order of execution something that needs to be documented as a fixed contract, don't we care, should we even care?
yes, no, yes.

I understand your reservation; there are many ways in which a small misunderstandings of the user can lead to users. However, I feel sometimes feel the same frustration as Eelco describes. It happens at points where I want to combine some simple stuff (like 1 line in JSP) where in Wicket I have to either copy a whole class from the core, or add 3 behaviors each with their own custom anonymous model class (20 lines). Wicket is super duper excellent for combining larger things, but it gets a bit cumbersome when you're trying to combine small things. Besides, a fool will shoot himself in the foot eventually.


Erik van Oosten

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