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The following page has been changed by EricCovener:

  $> sudo lsof -i:80
- Once you see these results, you can choose to kill the program in question, 
or change the port that Apache uses.
+ Once you see these results, you can choose to kill the program in question, 
or change the port that Apache uses. 
+ If Apache (httpd, apache2, etc) is the application listening on these ports, 
but you can't stop it using your normal procedure, someone may have deleted the 
servers PidFile. The PidFile records the process ID of the parent process and 
is how most scripts test to see if Apache is running.  You can manually stop 
the server by determining the PID of the parent process and sending it a 
  '''''Note for Windows users''', Skype is known to use port 80. Also, make 
sure Windows IIS Web Server is not running.''

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