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The following page has been changed by niq:

  The slowloris script: threat and limitations
- MaxClients, Memory usage, Threaded vs Unthreaded MPM, Event MPM not a 
+ The original slowloris is a perl script, though there are apparently other 
equivalent scripts floating around.  My own testing involved the perl script, 
on OpenSolaris and Linux platforms.  It works by opening huge numbers of 
concurrent connections to the target server, and holding them open so they are 
unavailable for normal traffic.
+ The slowloris author notes that the script was ineffective running on 
Windows, because it only made about 130 concurrent outgoing connections.  I 
observed similar limitations on *X platforms: on OpenSolaris it was 252, and on 
Linux it was 1020.  I suspect those could be varied by tuning the host's kernel 
parameters and/or the Perl build, but I haven't investigated that.
+ MaxClients
+ Based in this observation, a sufficient (albeit clumsy) defence against a 
single attacker is to raise maxclients.
+ This is probably a good idea in any case: the defaults shipped by apache and 
at least some packagers go back to a time when an average server might have 
32Mb RAM!  However, it may create a conflict with applications running on the 
webserver that cannot reasonably support large numbers of concurrent clients.
+ Raising MaxClients
+ The main concern when raising MaxClients is memory usage.  With the 
single-threaded Prefork MPM, this is a serios issue, as each client requires 
its own process, at a marginal cost likely to be significantly in excess of 1Mb 
RAM, so 1000 slowloris connections will consume gigabytes of RAM.  With a 
threaded MPM such as Worker or Event, each 1Mb memory gives capacity to handle 
about 10-20 slowloris connections, so a modern server can comfortably 
accommodate many thousands of clients (though applications may not).  Non-Unix 
MPMs are also threaded, so I would expect them also to work well with high 
MaxClients settings, but I have no data.
+ Note that the memory usage reported by tools like ps(1) and top(1) include 
shared memory, so they report apparent figures that are far higher than 
apache's actual per-process usage.
+ Event MPM
+ The Event MPM is a partially-asynchronous processing model.  However, my 
tests indicate that it is limited by MaxClients in the same way as other MPMs, 
and doesn't appear to offer any advantage over Worker in mitigating the effect 
of SlowLoris attacks.

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