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The "PHPOnWindows" page has been changed by RichBowen.


  The PHP documentation regarding installing on Windows has been inaccurate for 
a very long time. However, as of Dec 14, 2009, it is accurate, and so you 
should [[|look there]].
  ## page was renamed from PHP on Windows
- This is how you could configure Apache 2.2 with {{{PHP}}} as a module on 
- While it is not strictly necessary, it does not hurt to save it in a separate 
configuration file.
+ Additional commentary can be found in the article 
[[]] which is largely a rant about the old 
PHP Windows documentation.
- {{{
- #Preload the PHP interpreter dll so that apache can find it, even if it's not 
in the path
- LoadFile "C:/server/php5.2/php5ts.dll"
- #Load the sapi module for Apache
- LoadModule php5_module "C:/server/php5.2/php5apache2_2.dll"
- #Specify the directory that the php.ini is stored in
- PHPIniDir "C:/server/php5.2"
- #Configure Apache to to use the handlers for the extensions
- AddHandler application/x-httpd-php .php
- AddHandler application/x-httpd-php-source .phps
- #Set index.php to be served as the default index file
- #it will not remove any pre-existing DirecotoryIndex configurations that have 
been set
- DirectoryIndex index.php
- }}}
- This configuration is based on the article 

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