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On Fri, Aug 22, 2014 at 10:48 AM, Fabrice Florin <> wrote:
> Greetings!
> We invite you to join a discussion about Structured Data on Commons, to help
> us plan our next steps for this project.
> The Structured Data initiative proposes to store and retrieve information
> for media files in machine-readable data on Wikimedia Commons, using
> Wikidata tools and practices, as described on our new project page (1).
> The purpose of this project is to make it easier for users to read and write
> file information, and to enable developers to build better tools to view,
> search, edit, curate and use media files. To that end, we propose to
> investigate this opportunity together through community discussions and
> small experiments. If these initial tests are successful, we would develop
> new tools and practices for structured data, then work with our communities
> to gradually migrate unstructured data into a machine-readable format over
> time.
> The Multimedia team and the Wikidata team are starting to plan this project
> together, in collaboration with many community volunteers active on
> Wikimedia Commons and other wikis. We had a truly inspiring roundtable
> discussion about Structured Data at Wikimania a few weeks ago, to define a
> first proposal together (2).
> We would now like to extend this discussion to include more community
> members that might benefit from this initiative. Please take a moment to
> read the project overview on Commons, then let us know what you think, by
> answering some of the questions on its talk page (3).
> We also invite you to join a Structured Data Q&A on Wednesday September 3 at
> 19:00 UTC, so we can discuss some of the details live in this IRC office
> hours chat. Please RSVP if you plan to attend (4).
> Lastly, we propose to form small workgroups to investigate workflows, data
> structure, research, platform, features, migration and other open issues. If
> you are interested in contributing to one of these workgroups, we invite you
> to sign up on directly on our hub page (5) -- and help start a sub-page for
> your workgroup.
> We look forward to some productive discussions with you in coming weeks. In
> previous roundtables, many of you told us this is the most important
> contribution that our team can make to support multimedia in coming years.
> We heard you loud and clear and are happy to devote more resources to bring
> it to life, with your help.
> We are honored to be working with the Wikidata team and talented community
> members like you to take on this challenge, improve our infrastructure and
> provide a better experience for all our users.
> Onward!
> Fabrice — for the Structured Data team
> (1) Structured Data Hub on Commons:
> (2) Structured Data Slides:
> (3) Structured Data Talk Page:
> (4) Structured Data Q&A (IRC chat on Sep. 3):
> (5) Structured Data Workgroups:
> _______________________________
> Fabrice Florin
> Product Manager, Multimedia
> Wikimedia Foundation

Guillaume Paumier

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