On 4/18/15 5:48 PM, Ricordisamoa wrote:
Il 11/04/2015 13:29, Antoine Isaac ha scritto:

Is the 'template' word so bad? Paraphrasing Daniel's definition of the 
MediaWiki template, one could see a 'WikiData template' as
a set of of properties that can be re-used, e.g. to make create statements 
about a certain class. (the 'parameter' bit could be understood as adding or 
removing properties from the templates, e.g. using twice a property or adding a 
new one when it's needed).

What we're after seems to exist already, described as 'item structure':
Or 'list of properties':

'schema convention' matches the idea, but the wording may be too abstract. I 
come from a community that calls such things 'description set profiles'; such 
expressions have a hard time being adopted in less technical communities...

About the text values. A big +1 to Daniel at not trying to represent 
semi-structured text, which is meant to piggyback structured data in legacy 
systems that can't handle it. The matter is rather the availability in Wikidata 
of text-like summaries like the dbpedia-owl:abstract at 
http://dbpedia.org/page/Castle . Having things like this together with the 
Wikidata data would be great for data-reusers like us, instead of having to 
fetch it from elsewhere!

There's TextExtracts <https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:TextExtracts> for that: example 

Unfortunately this is not in the data itself. One has to know that there is an 
API, and then call it.

Actually there seems to be such similar 'description' in the data at wikidata:
https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q23413 says "type of fortified structure built in 
Europe and the Middle East during the Middle Ages by nobility"
It matches partly the rdfs:comment at http://dbpedia.org/page/Castle and the 
output of the TextExtract.
It's a bit mysterious why it's not been exactly entered as on the Wikipedia 
page (and thus DBpedia) but well, I guess it meets the original question: while 
the Wikidata page doesn't say it's a statement, it is accessible through the 
API and the SPARQL endpoint(s).



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