On Sat, Feb 12, 2011 at 1:11 PM, Ryan Lane <rlan...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Have a bugathon where we label a lot of bugs as appropriate bugathon bugs
>> that need either:
>> a) test patch / update patch to recent svn version
>> a) confirmation / replication of new / unconfirmed bugs
>> We can provide a simple ready to go Wiki installation for people to use for
>> bug triaging and that way we can re-energize developers and clean up some of
>> the backlog of bugs.
>> Is this something that we should be doing?
> This is something we do at hack-a-tons. I don't remember the number of
> bugs smashed at the last one, but it was a decent number.
> I believe the next hack-a-ton is in Berlin, soon. I'm not sure if they
> have this planned. It's apparently GLAM focused (which excludes devs
> like me), so I'd imagine not, unless the bugs targeted are GLAM
> related.
> - Ryan Lane

I'm curious: is there a way that non-technical people can help with
sprints like this? Documentation-building, maybe? Something else? I'm
interested in development sprints, bugathons etc that involve both
technical & non-technical people; I've been involved in a few and it's
pretty fun. But I don't know how many useful ways non-programmers &
non-developers can help.

-- phoebe

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