>> I believe the next hack-a-ton is in Berlin, soon.
> Perhaps requiring people to travel to another country to participate in
> this is part of the problem.  I don't doubt that real-life meetings are
> useful for Wikimedia Foundation employees and existing MW contributors,
> but it doesn't do much to encourage new people to join in.

We also plan to have two US-based hack-a-ton's a year, and I believe
there is some form of one at Wikimania too. You don't always
necessarily need to travel to another country to get to one.

I don't disagree with your sentiment though. We should likely make
these events easier to attend online. We already put in the effort to
mark bugs before hand, and we all work on IRC while at the event, so I
don't see anything stopping online participation from happening. The
hack-a-tons usually don't have presentations, so that part isn't much
of an issue. We can likely stream out anything that needs to be, if it
comes up.

I believe that in-person events are key for people to get to know one
another, though. Maybe not everyone feels that way, but I definitely
do. I've worked on MediaWiki for years, and I feel I know other
community members much better since I've been meeting them in person,
much more so than the years prior. The hack-a-tons may not be
effective at bringing in new people, but I feel they are very
effective at solidifying the current community that we have.

- Ryan Lane

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