On Fri, Nov 30, 2012 at 2:12 PM, Arthur Richards
<aricha...@wikimedia.org> wrote:
>  ! [remote rejected] HEAD -> refs/publish/esisupport/bug/41286 (change
> 32896 closed)
It looks like https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/#/c/32896/ is a commit
that you submitted to esisupport at some point, then abandoned, and
are now trying to push in again. Gerrit doesn't like that very much.
To fix it, you can try restoring the change (click Restore Change on
the Gerrit page for the change; you may need the author or a Gerrit
admin to do this for you, I don't know if we've managed to give
everyone permission to restore yet), then trying to run 'git review'
again. That should introduce new changes for the things you're
submitting, and create a new patchset for the change that was giving
you trouble.


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