About a year ago, we were struggling with a git-review bug that caused
lots of bogus warnings to appear. When running "git review", you'd get
a warning saying you're about to submit multiple commits, followed by
a list of lots of other people's commits that have already been
merged. I fixed this in https://review.openstack.org/#/c/6741/ last

This bug is now back in the latest release of git-review that came out
over the weekend. I complained about this at
https://review.openstack.org/#/c/20450/ , which is the change that
reintroduced the broken behavior. We are suffering from it
disproportionately because we have defaultrebase=0 set on most of our
projects, and the bug only triggers when rebasing is disabled (using
either that setting or the -R flag).

The workaround is the same as last year: if git-review complains and
you see bogus commits in the list, respond "no" to abort, run "git
fetch gerrit", then rerun git-review. This will ensure git-review has
an up-to-date view of the remote master.


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