Can you please file the bug in our bugzilla installation? <> under Wikimedia -> Mailing Lists.

On 1 August 2014 08:39, Cristian Consonni <> wrote:

> Hi all,
> (not really sure this is the right place, please redirect me if needed)
> Togheter with Effeietsanders I am administering the
> wikilovesmonuments-l mailing list[0].
> This list is receiveing huge amounts of spam messages (quick
> stat: we are talking about 20 messages per hour).
> We have tried to implement some spam filter rules following this[1] (a
> page which I have edited myself) but basically we were unable to get
> any effect of sorts.
> Here's the two spam filtering rules I have created:
> * Rule 1: X-Spam-Score: [+]{2,99}
> * Rule 2: X-Spam-Score: [*]{2,99}
> I have added both rules with "+" and "*" to be sure, and I have
> specified the numbers (more or equal than 2 and less or equal than 99)
> because in my first try the rule with just {2,} (i.e. "more or equal
> than 2") was not working.
> The fact is that the solution didn't work out in the end (we were
> still holding in our moderation queue lots and lots of messages with
> an high spam score) and so we are
> changing the default policy for the list about non-member messages
> from "Hold" to "Reject" (If somebody can make a case for "Discard"
> over "Reject" please do so).
> This was quite frustrating, but we were unable to fix the problem is
> some other way. I am sharing this to make sure I wasn't making some
> sort of stupid mistake in the rules. I would also like to have an
> opinion about "Reject" vs "Discard" as a policy for non-members
> messages.
> Thank you.
> Cristian
> [0]
> [1]
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