Le 08/10/2015 21:04, Purodha Blissenbach a écrit :
> In a simpe message text typo fix:
> https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/#/c/243332/
> in the job
> mwext-testextension-zend
> the test
> PHPUnit
> failed with these messages:
> + php phpunit.php --with-phpunitdir
> /srv/deployment/integration/phpunit/vendor/phpunit/phpunit --log-junit
> /mnt/jenkins-workspace/workspace/mwext-testextension-zend/log/junit-phpunit-allexts.xml
> --testsuite extensions
> 18:43:29 You MUST install Composer dependenciesRecording test results
> 18:43:29 ERROR: Publisher 'Publish JUnit test result report' failed: No
> test report files were found. Configuration error?
> 18:43:29 [PostBuildScript] - Execution post build scripts.
> 18:43:29
> I have no clue what do to fix it.


The tests have been broke with the previous human made change:

That one was not passing tests and has been force merged. End result is
the extension tests are now broken.

The error message is missing a newline and should read as:

 You MUST install Composer dependencies

From composer.json that means:

 guzzlehttp/guzzle: ~3.8

The Jenkins job mwext-testextension-zend does not install composer
dependencies, instead it clones mediawiki/vendor.git which is the repo
holding dependencies for the Wikimedia cluster.

So I guess we need change it to mwext-testextension-zend-composer which
does run composer.

It is definitely worth a task in Phabricator for history purposes. But
the change itself is straightforward.

Antoine "hashar" Musso

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