You probably know about the tag, it has been added automatically to
phabricator tickets when someone makes a patch to gerrit and mentions the
pabricator ticket (For example [0]). The problem is when the patch gets
merged the tag doesn't get removed automatically because there might be
other outstanding patches, etc.

Now, lots of time of our developers is being spent on removing those tags
when they don't apply which is tedious and with lots of tasks incorrectly
having the tag, the tag itself is useless. So I wrote a bot to clean those

In order to make sure I don't remove anything by mistake, the bot doesn't
touch the ticket if any of these conditions apply:
* If the tag is added by someone else than the gerrit bot
* If there's a link to github.com anywhere
* If there are still patches that are not merged (ta-duh)
* If gerritbot in any way acts out of ordinary (for example, comments twice
for adding one patch)

It's going to spam your inbox. Sorry :( I'm working on it to find a less
spammy way and will definitely run it with slow pace.

[0]: https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T155878#5190647

Amir (he/him)
Wikitech-l mailing list

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