Love it! 👍 It's almost a 100% literal translation of the existing
.alias.php format, which makes it very easy to learn, even using old

The only difference is that the language is not in the array structure
any more, but in the "en.json" filename, which makes it behave the
same as the existing i18n system. That's superb! 👍

This also makes it much easier to argue how and why en.json is
different from the others.

My only "complaint" is the folder name "config". But that might just
be part of the example patch. "Config" is rather meaningless. One
could argue that everything is configuration, even the existing
localizations in i18n/en.json. Why can't we make the new structure
part of the existing i18n/en.json file? Or if you really think the
separation is beneficial, why not have separate folders for
"specialpagealiases", "magicwords", and so on?

Having the extra "specialPageAliases" key in the JSON is fine either
way. This makes it a lot more flexible for any unpredictable future
addition. However, I would make it uppercase "SpecialPageAliases" to
be closer to how extension.json works.

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