For Special:UnconnectedPages in particular, we designed the underlying page
property so that it can be efficiently sorted or filtered by namespace (see
T300770 <> for details), so the
fact that it starts with main namespace pages is intentional and guaranteed
by the current code; I’d say this is unlikely to change soon, but I also
don’t think we consider it covered by the Wikidata Stable Interface Policy

For other query pages, it depends on the particular page; for
instance, Special:PagesWithProp
sorts by page_id
and Special:ShortPages by page_len
if I’m reading the code correctly.

Am Do., 22. Feb. 2024 um 06:36 Uhr schrieb Bináris <>:

> Hi,
> I query special pages through API (concretely Special:UnconnectedPages),
> and I noticed that main namespace articles are yielded first.
> It seems that pages are ordered by namespace numbers.
> Is it a guaranteed behaviour?
> (If so, I can break from the loop at te first page not in 0 namespace
> which would be nice.)
> --
> Bináris
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