I have a COM DLL that I want to place in a common place for all products
installed by my company.  E.g. \Program Files\Company Name\Common

For the Component I set SharedDllRefCount="yes".

I'm wondering about the best way to install and how the GUID for the
component is involved.  Do I use the same GUID for this component in all of
the products that I install it?  Is that exactly the wrong thing to do?  Or
does it not even matter so long as the GUID is unique within that MSI file?

Is it better to create a Merge Module?  IF I only have the one DLL or a very
small number of DLLS and managing the component in separate .wxs files isn't
a problem, is there any benefit to a Merge Module?

Is there a better way to deal with COM DLLs in WiX?  For example COM DLLS
are by definition shared components..  shouldn't there be a warning of some
sort if you set the SelfRegCost and the file is in a component that does not
have SharedDllRefCount="yes" ?

Btw, I've read the warnings, but I'm not ready to abandon using
SelfRegCost.  It's too painful at this point.


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