I think -suid manages clashing ids if you only have one pass but not if you
run heat multitple times to generate fragments.


-----Original Message-----
From: jo...@msli.com [mailto:jo...@msli.com] 
Sent: 16 August 2013 09:29
To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] how to reference an element in heat generated file?

OK.  I'll construct a transform, but this seems like a daunting task.

I always have to run heat after every check out.  The developers can change
anything over time, branches, and releases, and the build isn't supposed to
break, so the smoothest policy for me is to limit assumptions by always
running heat against what ever is present.

I couldn't figure out how to modify the Component in the heat generated file,
so my transform chops it out, and I manually create the Component in another
file, with file associations.  This seems to be the easiest way to solve the
problem and I don't have to be an xslt wizard.

First, my Product element contains:
<Feature Id='Complete' Level='1'>
  <!-- Pull in file association -->
  <ComponentRef Id="FileAssociations" /> </Feature>
<!-- Directory Structure -->
<Directory Id="TARGETDIR" Name="SourceDir" >
  <Directory Id="ProgramFilesFolder" Name="Pfiles" >
    <Directory Id="MYPRODUCTSDIR" Name="$(var.MyCompanyNameShort)" >
      <Directory Id="INSTALLDIR" Name="$(var.MyProductName) $(var.Version)" >

Second, another .wxs file contains the Component for my exe and file
  <DirectoryRef Id="INSTALLDIR">
      <!-- associate .fooProject file extension with foo.exe -->
        Description="Foo Project"
        <Extension Id="galileoGlobalProject" >

My xslt transformation file cuts out the exe Component from the <?xml
version="1.0" ?> <xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"
  <!-- strip out the exe files from the fragment heat generates. -->
  <xsl:template match="@*|*">
          <xsl:apply-templates select="@*|node()" />
  <xsl:output method="xml" indent="yes" />
  <xsl:key name="exe-search" match="wix:Component[contains(wix:File/@Source,
'foo.exe')]" use="@Id" />
  <xsl:template match="wix:Component[key('exe-search', @Id)]" />
  <xsl:template match="wix:ComponentRef[key('exe-search', @Id)]" />


heat.exe dir dist -dr INSTALLDIR -cg group_ProductFiles -gg -g1 -sf -srd -var
env.dist -t .\wix_project\MyProgram.filter2.xsl -out

candle.exe -dwxi_variables=MyProgram.variables.wxi -i MyProgram.variables.wxi
-v -arch x86 -trace -out wixobj/ .\wix_project\MyProgram.wxs

light.exe -out foo.msi -b dist -ext WixUIExtension wixobj/MyProgram.wixobj
wixobj/MyProgram.resource_list.wixobj wixobj/MyProgram.shortcuts.wixobj 

And it all worked.

I think the documentation could really benefit from a practical example
like this, so people don't have to search though the mailing list

On Thu, 2013-08-15 at 16:27 -0700, Blair Murri wrote:
> That's why I use a transform to insert the file association code under the
file element and I don't harvest my icons.
> To ne fair, harvesting was originally intended to be performed just once,
not each build. Most projects don't need to be harvested each time, but there
are systems that do require it.
> "jo...@msli.com" <jo...@msli.com> wrote:
> If heat generates a file with unique identifiers for each element, is it
> true that the Id of a particular element can't be referenced elsewhere,
> as there is no way to determine the correct name?
> I am facing this situation by trying to create a file association, where
> my exe has an Id that changes every time I run heat, yet creating a file
> association requires a TargetFile and Icon that refer to an Id, and not
> the name of the file it self.
> The following is a file association, but the '?' are the areas of
> interest:
> <ProgId Id="galileoGlobalProject" Description="Galileo Global Project"
Icon="?" IconIndex="0" >
>   <Extension Id="galileoGlobalProject" >
>     <Verb Command="Open" Id="open" TargetFile="?" Argument="&quot;%1&quot;"
>   </Extension>
> </ProgId>
> A hack is calling heat.exe with argument -suid, which sets the Id = file
> name, and I simply use the file name in TargetFile="file_name.exe", but
> it has issues if two files have the same name in different areas (i
> think).
> Since heat is part of wix it seems like in the design of how all the
> parts fit together there must be a better way.
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