Hi John,

Thanks for the help...Just followed the steps...worked like a charm. The 
folder got installed into the program files folder and there were no 
errors thrown by Light.

But I want the db directory to be created into a folder in say 
c:\[FolderName](c:\[FolderName]\Tort Demo). I have tried with like as 
mentioned earlier DesktopFolder, LocalAppdatafolder etc just to see if 
everything goes fine but i was getting the error mentioned in below mail.

For those errors i landed on to 
where it is said that the registry key is created to make ICE18 
<http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa368942.aspx>, ICE38 
<http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa368961.aspx> and ICE48 
<http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa368977.aspx> happy. So can i 
ignore those errors and move ahead?

How can i get my directory created to c:\[FolderName]\  ?


On 19-11-2013 14:05, John Ludlow wrote:
> That should have read:
> If you make this change, you can also remove the following line:
> <RegistryValue Root='HKCU' Key='Software\[Manufacturer]\[ProductName]' 
> Type='string' Value='' KeyPath='yes' />
> On 19 November 2013 08:34, John Ludlow <john.ludlow...@gmail.com 
> <mailto:john.ludlow...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>     That's because of this:
>           <Directory Id='DesktopFolder'  Name='PFiles'>
>     This will put files on the users desktop - are you sure that's
>     what you want? (Hint: it's probably not) Change this to
>     ProgramFilesFolder (or ProgramFiles64Folder). Remember how you
>     were getting a similar error previously?
>     If you make this change, you can also remove the following line:
>     Alternatively, use a script to modify each component so it
>     contains a registry entry.
>     On 19 November 2013 07:50, Suvrajyoti Panda
>     <suvrajyo...@contata.co.in <mailto:suvrajyo...@contata.co.in>> wrote:
>         Hi John/All,
>         I have used the below commands:
>         heat dir "D:\Project\ESI\Code\trunk\db" -cg trunkdb -gg -sfrag
>         -dr TORTDEMO -out trunkdb.wxs
>         candle TortEngineDemo.wxs trunkdb.wxs
>         light -b "D:\Project\ESI\Code\trunk\db" -out TrunkDBDemo.msi
>         TortEngineDemo.wixobj trunkdb.wixobj
>         This does create the TrunkDBDemo.msi and when i run it it also
>         creates the "Tort Demo" folder on the desktop and the db
>         directory in which i can find all the files that were there in
>         the source directory. The required registry entry is also created.
>         The change i have done is added the part /-b
>         "D:\Project\ESI\Code\trunk\db" /to the Light command/.
>         /
>         But the Light does throw up some many errors such as :
>         C:\Program Files (x86)\WiX Toolset v3.7\bin\trunkdb.wxs(921) :
>         error LGHT0204 :
>         ICE38: Component cmp159DEBB341761ACFD08D530D4AB638B2 installs
>         to user profile. It must use a registry key under HKCU as its
>         KeyPath, not a file.
>         In the trunkdb.wxs file i have the like below(files are attached)
>         <Component Id="cmp159DEBB341761ACFD08D530D4AB638B2"
>         Guid="{AA11F234-AF77-4F2C-B4A2-355A25C71234}">
>                             <File
>         Id="fil13F4C3BF2526AB7CCACA852D90DAA880" KeyPath="yes"
>         Source="SourceDir\alarm.db"/>
>         Do i need to change this file to registry key when generating
>         this file from heat? Please suggest as to what the error could
>         be for?
>         Regards,
>         Suvra Jyoti
>         On 18-11-2013 21:31, John Ludlow wrote:
>>         Yeah I didn't explain that path thing very well. I was
>>         referring to this path:
>>           C:\Program Files (x86)\WiX Toolset v3.7\bin\trunkdb.wxs
>>         This probably shouldn't be here. Best to keep this out of the
>>         WiX install directory. If this is a file which is generated
>>         for every build, then either use an intermediates folder in
>>         your build tree, or put it into the %tmp% directory. This is
>>         probably because you're not specifying a full path for the
>>         -out parameter.
>>         I'm not entirely clear on why you're launching an installer
>>         from CruiseControl - that seems a little weird to me. It
>>         sounds like you're trying to use MSI to achieve a continuous
>>         deployment scenario, and it's not really designed for that -
>>         is that what you're trying to do?
>>         I've not actually used the heat -var argument, so the advice
>>         I can give you will be limited. However, I believe that if
>>         you add "-var:TrunkDbRootDir" to your heat command, it will
>>         generate something like this:
>>         <File Source="$(var.TrunkDbRootDir)\file.ext"/>
>>         You will have to define that variable elsewhere, and it's up
>>         to you to make sure that it points to the correct place so
>>         that the path is correct when the variable is resolved.
>>         Someone with more experience of heat.exe might be able to
>>         help you further.
>>         Hope that helps
>>         On 18 November 2013 14:36, Suvrajyoti Panda
>>         <suvrajyo...@contata.co.in
>>         <mailto:suvrajyo...@contata.co.in>> wrote:
>>             Hi John,
>>             When I are created the trunkdb.wxs file i had ditected it
>>             to D:\Project\ESI\Code\trunk\db. These files exist now
>>             also and are part of the SVN source control. I do not get
>>             what you mean by "C:\Program Files (x86)" and "I'm not
>>             sure how it came up with that path" . I am just executing
>>             Light from the path C:\Program Files (x86)\WiX Toolset
>>             v3.7\bin where in my two source files are also
>>             placed(tortenginedemo.wxs and trunkdb.wxs). By
>>             File/@Source i guess you mean that as of now in the
>>             fragment the path is only SourceDIr. Let me know how we
>>             can do that.
>>             I need this to be dynamic in the sense that a batch file
>>             would execute that would create the directory
>>             *db**(*D:\Project\ESI\Code\trunk\db*). * The WIX
>>             installer that needs to be created should install the
>>             “db” directories that is created by the batch file.
>>             Basically i need to execute the installer when the
>>             scroipts for cruise control are fired. The firing of the
>>             cruisecontrol script fires the installer as well through
>>             a batch file.
>>             This is the approach that has been decided as of now. In
>>             case you other pointers do let me know specially the "You
>>             will need to either specify the -var argument to heat.exe
>>             with a variable name (and tweak the value so that it
>>             matches correctly) or write some build code to tweak the
>>             contents of this file." if this helps.
>>             Moreover it is not that the error is being shown foll all
>>             the files in the db directory . It is showing for about
>>             150 files in the db directory. There are a total of 379
>>             files in the same.
>>             Regards,
>>             SuvraJyoti
>>             On 18-11-2013 19:00, John Ludlow wrote:
>>>             Do those files exist at compilation time? They are
>>>             "C:\Program Files (x86)" paths, and your code doesn't
>>>             specify a full path in File/@Source. I'm not sure how it
>>>             came up with that path, but it's probably wrong, since
>>>             you are likely building your application binaries in a
>>>             build area.
>>>             You will need to either specify the -var argument to
>>>             heat.exe with a variable name (and tweak the value so
>>>             that it matches correctly) or write some build code to
>>>             tweak the contents of this file.
>>>             Heat.exe can, with the correct arguments, give you some
>>>             generated code you can just plug into your project and
>>>             go. Probably. In theory. If the planets are all in the
>>>             correct alignments and you've made the right sacrifices.
>>>             In practice, you should consider whether this kind of
>>>             dynamic code generation is really what you need.
>>>             Do the contents of that directory change without warning
>>>             or beyond your team's ability to keep up with the
>>>             changes? If so, then this kind of code generation is
>>>             potentially a way around the issue, but ideally you
>>>             should reconsider the application design.
>>>             However, if this is more about generating code so you
>>>             don't have to crank it by hand, then I'd recommend
>>>             taking the generated code and adding the missing or
>>>             incorrect attributes (possibly with PowerShell) and then
>>>             take that code as source. Further updates to this code
>>>             can be done by hand.
>>>             Hope that helps
>>>             On 18 November 2013 11:18, Suvrajyoti Panda
>>>             <suvrajyo...@contata.co.in
>>>             <mailto:suvrajyo...@contata.co.in>> wrote:
>>>                 Hi John,
>>>                 Any updates on the below issue. I am still stuck there.
>>>                 Regards,
>>>                 Suvra Jyoti
>>>                 -------- Original Message --------
>>>                 Subject:    Fwd: Re: [WiX-users] Referring to fragments
>>>                 Date:       Mon, 18 Nov 2013 15:06:38 +0530
>>>                 From:       Suvrajyoti Panda <suvrajyo...@contata.co.in>
>>>                 <mailto:suvrajyo...@contata.co.in>
>>>                 To:         John Ludlow <john.ludlow...@gmail.com>
>>>                 <mailto:john.ludlow...@gmail.com>
>>>                 Attaching the source files once again.
>>>                 -------- Original Message --------
>>>                 Subject:    Re: [WiX-users] Referring to fragments
>>>                 Date:       Mon, 18 Nov 2013 15:04:31 +0530
>>>                 From:       Suvrajyoti Panda <suvrajyo...@contata.co.in>
>>>                 <mailto:suvrajyo...@contata.co.in>
>>>                 To:         John Ludlow <john.ludlow...@gmail.com>
>>>                 <mailto:john.ludlow...@gmail.com>
>>>                 CC:         General discussion about the WiX toolset.
>>>                 <wix-users@lists.sourceforge.net>
>>>                 <mailto:wix-users@lists.sourceforge.net>
>>>                 Hi John,
>>>                 I did as you suggested. I was getting the error
>>>                 C:\Program Files (x86)\WiX Toolset
>>>                 v3.7\bin\TortEngineDemo.wxs(24) : error LGHT0
>>>                 094 : Unresolved reference to symbol
>>>                 'Component:TORTDEMO' in section 'Product:{5
>>>                 A1581BE-27C3-46A1-8699-4F1D642C97E0}'. So i changed
>>>                 the name to TORTDEMO instead of cmpTrunkDB earlier
>>>                 as below:
>>>                  <Directory Id='TARGETDIR' Name='SourceDir'>
>>>                 <Directory Id='DesktopFolder' Name='PFiles'>
>>>                 <Directory Id='TORTDEMO' Name='Tort Demo'>
>>>                 <Component Id="*TORTDEMO*"
>>>                 Guid="9D5FEECE-74FE-45A2-BD34-41562EC8ED16">
>>>                 <RemoveFolder Id='TORTDEMO' On='uninstall' />
>>>                 <RegistryValue Root='HKCU'
>>>                 Key='Software\[Manufacturer]\[ProductName]'
>>>                 Type='string' Value='' KeyPath='yes' />
>>>                 </Component>
>>>                 </Directory>
>>>                 </Directory>
>>>                 </Directory>
>>>                 Now i am getting the below error.
>>>                 C:\Program Files (x86)\WiX Toolset
>>>                 v3.7\bin\trunkdb.wxs(751) : error LGHT0103 :
>>>                 The system cannot find the file
>>>                 'SourceDir\tortoptions.v2.db'.
>>>                 C:\Program Files (x86)\WiX Toolset
>>>                 v3.7\bin\trunkdb.wxs(754) : error LGHT0103 :
>>>                 The system cannot find the file
>>>                 'SourceDir\tortoptions.v3.db'.
>>>                 C:\Program Files (x86)\WiX Toolset
>>>                 v3.7\bin\trunkdb.wxs(757) : error LGHT0103 :
>>>                 The system cannot find the file
>>>                 'SourceDir\tortoptions.v4.db'.
>>>                 C:\Program Files (x86)\WiX Toolset
>>>                 v3.7\bin\trunkdb.wxs(760) : error LGHT0103 :
>>>                 The system cannot find the file
>>>                 'SourceDir\tortoptions.v5.db'.
>>>                 C:\Program Files (x86)\WiX Toolset
>>>                 v3.7\bin\trunkdb.wxs(763) : error LGHT0103 :
>>>                 The system cannot find the file
>>>                 'SourceDir\tortosedata.db'.
>>>                 C:\Program Files (x86)\WiX Toolset
>>>                 v3.7\bin\trunkdb.wxs(766) : error LGHT0103 :
>>>                 Please suggest on the same.
>>>                 On 18-11-2013 14:24, John Ludlow wrote:
>>>>                 Ah, I missed that.
>>>>                 You need to create a reference in your feature to
>>>>                 each component, because now you have components
>>>>                 which aren't assigned to any feature, which means
>>>>                 they would never be installed.
>>>>                 Please try this:
>>>>                 1. On your Heat.exe call, specify the -cg argument
>>>>                 with a component name:
>>>>                 heat dir "D:\Project\ESI\Code\trunk\db" -cg trunkdb
>>>>                 -gg -sfrag -dr TORTDEMO -out trunkdb.wxs.
>>>>                 This should add a component group with all the
>>>>                 components in the output. The ID should be trunkdb,
>>>>                 which you can reference in your Feature.
>>>>                 2. Change your Feature element like so:
>>>>                   <Feature Id='Complete' Level='1'>
>>>>                 <ComponentRef Id='TORTDEMO' />
>>>>                 <ComponentGroupRef Id='trunkdb'/>
>>>>                 </Feature>
>>>>                 This should reference the component group created
>>>>                 in Step #1, drawing all those components into that
>>>>                 feature.
>>>>                 At first glance, the registry entry you've created
>>>>                 looks fine. I'd probably specify a value, but
>>>>                 that's just me.
>>>>                 On 18 November 2013 08:32, Suvrajyoti Panda
>>>>                 <suvrajyo...@contata.co.in
>>>>                 <mailto:suvrajyo...@contata.co.in>> wrote:
>>>>                     Hi John,
>>>>                     Please also have a look at the directory
>>>>                     structure and registry entry i am creating. Let
>>>>                     me know in case i need a change there as well.
>>>>                     Regards,
>>>>                     Suvra Jyoti
>>>>                     -------- Original Message --------
>>>>                     Subject:       Re: [WiX-users] Referring to fragments
>>>>                     Date:  Mon, 18 Nov 2013 13:47:44 +0530
>>>>                     From:  Suvrajyoti Panda
>>>>                     <suvrajyo...@contata.co.in>
>>>>                     <mailto:suvrajyo...@contata.co.in>
>>>>                     To:    General discussion about the WiX toolset.
>>>>                     <wix-users@lists.sourceforge.net>
>>>>                     <mailto:wix-users@lists.sourceforge.net>,
>>>>                     john.ludlow...@gmail.com
>>>>                     <mailto:john.ludlow...@gmail.com>
>>>>                     Hi John,
>>>>                     Thanks for the clarifications. I have come in
>>>>                     in the morning and tried to follow the steps as
>>>>                     u have suggested. Attaching my two source files
>>>>                     for your reference.
>>>>                     Below is what i have tried to do today:
>>>>                       * I have created the file trunkdb.wxs using
>>>>                         the following command:heat dir
>>>>                         "D:\Project\ESI\Code\trunk\
>>>>                         db" -gg -sfrag -dr TORTDEMO -out trunkdb.wxs.
>>>>                         So the file generated looks like the below
>>>>                         snippet: <Wix
>>>>                         xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/2006/wi";
>>>>                         <http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/2006/wi>>
>>>>                         <Fragment>
>>>>                         <DirectoryRef Id="TORTDEMO">
>>>>                         <Directory
>>>>                         Id="dir653F7E432DCA0892A253D0CEC7775D03"
>>>>                         Name="db">
>>>>                         <Component
>>>>                         Id="cmp159DEBB341761ACFD08D530D4AB638B2"
>>>>                         Guid="{F89E44FD-879E-4076-B1A9-4CC2DFDB9DF4}">
>>>>                         <File
>>>>                         Id="fil13F4C3BF2526AB7CCACA852D90DAA880"
>>>>                         KeyPath="yes" Source="SourceDir\alarm.db" />
>>>>                         </Component>
>>>>                         <Component
>>>>                         Id="cmpB5B2B206AA7A6A0007EEC8D894834050"
>>>>                         Guid="{88DECB74-680F-4075-B764-4AE663664829}">
>>>>                         <File
>>>>                         Id="fil34C37BE68FA25CF6AE6B3151F5727B4B"
>>>>                         KeyPath="yes" Source="SourceDir\batch.db" />
>>>>                         </Component>.
>>>>                                 .....
>>>>                                 .....
>>>>                                 .....
>>>>                                 .
>>>>                                 .
>>>>                                 .
>>>>                     So here i have generated the DirectoryRef Id as
>>>>                     suggested by you. Now in the TortEngineDemo.wxs
>>>>                     i am trying to refer it as below :
>>>>                     <?xml version='1.0' encoding='windows-1252'?>
>>>>                     <Wix
>>>>                     xmlns='http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/2006/wi'>
>>>>                       <Product Name='Tort Demo 1.0'
>>>>                     Id='5A1581BE-27C3-46A1-8699-4F1D642C97E0'
>>>>                     UpgradeCode='C54B7D5D-0E66-43E8-A770-C9750693F057'
>>>>                     Language='1033' Codepage='1252' Version='1.0.0'
>>>>                     Manufacturer='Acme Ltd.'>
>>>>                     <Package Id='*' Keywords='Installer'
>>>>                     Description="Tort 1.0 Installer" Comments='Tort
>>>>                     Ltd.' Manufacturer='ESI Ltd.'
>>>>                     InstallerVersion='100' Languages='1033'
>>>>                     Compressed='yes' SummaryCodepage='1252' />
>>>>                         <Media Id='1' Cabinet='Tort.cab'
>>>>                     EmbedCab='yes' DiskPrompt="CD-ROM #1" />
>>>>                     <Property Id='DiskPrompt' Value="Tort Demo
>>>>                     Installation [1]" />
>>>>                     <Directory Id='TARGETDIR' Name='SourceDir'>
>>>>                     <Directory Id='DesktopFolder' Name='PFiles'>
>>>>                     <Directory Id='TORTDEMO' Name='Tort Demo'>
>>>>                     <Component Id="CmpTrunkDB"
>>>>                     Guid="9D5FEECE-74FE-45A2-BD34-41562EC8ED16">
>>>>                     <RemoveFolder Id='TORTDEMO' On='uninstall' />
>>>>                     <RegistryValue Root='HKCU'
>>>>                     Key='Software\[Manufacturer]\[ProductName]'
>>>>                     Type='string' Value='' KeyPath='yes' />
>>>>                     </Component>
>>>>                     </Directory>
>>>>                     </Directory>
>>>>                     </Directory>
>>>>                     <Feature Id='Complete' Level='1'>
>>>>                     <ComponentRef Id='TORTDEMO' />
>>>>                     <ComponentRef
>>>>                     Id='cmp159DEBB341761ACFD08D530D4AB638B2'/>
>>>>                     </Feature>
>>>>                     </Product>
>>>>                     <!--<Fragment>
>>>>                     <DirectoryRef
>>>>                     Id="dir69CDC966F9D8B6EA694F96E169B0FBFF">
>>>>                     </DirectoryRef>
>>>>                     </Fragment>-->
>>>>                     </Wix>
>>>>                     I have executed the candle as below:
>>>>                     /candle TortEngineDemo.wxs trunkdb.wxs/ -- this
>>>>                     generates the WIXOBJ files. Then i execute
>>>>                     /light -out TrunkDBDemo.msi
>>>>                     TortEngineDemo.wixobj trunkdb.wixobj/. On this
>>>>                     i am again getting multiple errors : C:\Program
>>>>                     Files (x86)\WiX Toolset
>>>>                     v3.7\bin\trunkdb.wxs(1119) : error LGHT0267 :
>>>>                      Found orphaned Component
>>>>                     'cmp5FAA008684E68756F59591139AA72C60'. If this
>>>>                     is a P
>>>>                     roduct, every Component must have at least one
>>>>                     parent Feature.  To include a Com
>>>>                     ponent in a Module, you must include it
>>>>                     directly as a Component element of the M
>>>>                     odule element or indirectly via ComponentRef,
>>>>                     ComponentGroup, or ComponentGroupR
>>>>                     ef elements.
>>>>                     I am sure i am not referring the fragment the
>>>>                     right way. Please suggest how i need to refer
>>>>                     to the fragment from my installer. I am really
>>>>                     stuck and any help would be much appreciable.
>>>>                     Let me know if you are on Skype, that would be
>>>>                     helpful.
>>>>                     Regards,
>>>>                     SuvraJyoti
>>>>                     Regards,
>>>>                     SuvraJyoti
>>>>                     On 15-11-2013 19:19, John Ludlow wrote:
>>>>>                     I think you're getting confused between two separate 
>>>>> issues. If you're
>>>>>                     getting the ICE error, then that would stop the build 
>>>>> from successfully
>>>>>                     completing. You may be using an out of date version 
>>>>> of your installer.
>>>>>                     Because of that, I would suggest that you do the 
>>>>> following
>>>>>                     1. Resolve the ICE issue. You suppress it so that it 
>>>>> doesn't get run, but
>>>>>                     the better thing to do is usually to solve the error. 
>>>>> In this case, that
>>>>>                     means add a registry entry to the component and mark 
>>>>> it as KeyPath=yes.
>>>>>                     2. Determine whether your directory structure is 
>>>>> getting added to your
>>>>>                     install. You can do this in a number of ways - using 
>>>>> Orca.exe or performing
>>>>>                     an admin install are two of them. Based on your 
>>>>> question, I can't see a
>>>>>                     reference to anything in the Fragment which contains 
>>>>> the harvested
>>>>>                     directory structure, so I suspect that you need to 
>>>>> add a reference to
>>>>>                     something in there.
>>>>>                     For example:
>>>>>                           <Feature Id='Complete' Level='1'>
>>>>>                             <ComponentRef Id='TORTDEMO' />
>>>>>                             <ComponentRef 
>>>>> Id='cmpCB46AAB9A4F3EB62F8247A194B4BBB4B' />
>>>>>                           </Feature>
>>>>>                     Once you've dealt with those issues, you may see WiX 
>>>>> complain about other
>>>>>                     issues - for starters, your root DirectoryRef entry 
>>>>> in that structure is
>>>>>                     missing an ID, so the structure won't have a valid 
>>>>> parent which means MSI
>>>>>                     won't know where to put it.
>>>>>                     My advice would be to concentrate on getting a 
>>>>> successful compilation, then
>>>>>                     work from there. Keep compiling regularly as you 
>>>>> work. If you see a
>>>>>                     compilation failure, stop and deal with it. This 
>>>>> makes it much easier to
>>>>>                     deal with issues as you discover them.
>>>>>                     Hope that helps
>>>>>                     On 15 November 2013 11:13, Suvrajyoti 
>>>>> Panda<suvrajyo...@contata.co.in>  <mailto:suvrajyo...@contata.co.in>wrote:
>>>>>>                     Hi,
>>>>>>                     I have a fragment that i have created through Heat. 
>>>>>> Basically i want to
>>>>>>                     create a db directory that has db files inside it 
>>>>>> through the installer.
>>>>>>                     It has the structure as below:
>>>>>>                     <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
>>>>>>                     <Wix 
>>>>>> xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/2006/wi";  
>>>>>> <http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/2006/wi>>
>>>>>>                           <Fragment>
>>>>>>                               <DirectoryRef Id="">
>>>>>>                                   <Directory Id="" Name="db">
>>>>>>                                       <Component 
>>>>>> Id="cmpCB46AAB9A4F3EB62F8247A194B4BBB4B"
>>>>>>                     Guid="{DE25A51B-AD43-4C74-8F84-9336AAC18BA0}">
>>>>>>                                           <File 
>>>>>> Id="fil8B6B2F5720D83AD50A3898087E4DADF1"
>>>>>>                     KeyPath="yes" Source="SourceDir\alarm.db" />
>>>>>>                                       </Component>
>>>>>>                                        ...... many components follow here
>>>>>>                                        ........
>>>>>>                                        ........
>>>>>>                                       .
>>>>>>                                       .
>>>>>>                                       .
>>>>>>                                   </Directory>
>>>>>>                               </DirectoryRef>
>>>>>>                           </Fragment>
>>>>>>                     </Wix>
>>>>>>                     My main WiX installer file is as below:
>>>>>>                     <?xml version='1.0' encoding='windows-1252'?>
>>>>>>                     <Wix 
>>>>>> xmlns='http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/2006/wi'>
>>>>>>                         <Product Name='Tort Demo 1.0'
>>>>>>                     Id='0A6A060C-20A5-4716-994D-BC728A904F27'
>>>>>>                     UpgradeCode='3F665FE5-D9A9-4C9E-B260-7D54970C99F3'
>>>>>>                           Language='1033' Codepage='1252' 
>>>>>> Version='1.0.0' Manufacturer='Acme
>>>>>>                     Ltd.'>
>>>>>>                           <Package Id='*' Keywords='Installer' 
>>>>>> Description="Tort 1.0
>>>>>>                     Installer" Comments='Tort Ltd.' Manufacturer='ESI 
>>>>>> Ltd.'
>>>>>>                             InstallerVersion='300' Languages='1033' 
>>>>>> Compressed='yes'
>>>>>>                     SummaryCodepage='1252' />
>>>>>>                           <Media Id='1' Cabinet='Tort.cab' 
>>>>>> EmbedCab='yes' DiskPrompt="CD-ROM
>>>>>>                     #1" />
>>>>>>                           <Property Id='DiskPrompt' Value="Tort Demo 
>>>>>> Installation [1]" />
>>>>>>                           <Directory Id='TARGETDIR' Name='SourceDir'>
>>>>>>                             <Directory Id='PersonalFolder' Name='PFiles'>
>>>>>>                               <Directory Id='TORTDEMO' Name='Tort Demo'>
>>>>>>                                 <Component Id="TORTDEMO"
>>>>>>                     Guid="8D286AB1-8C00-4A88-A7EB-C83BB92C480A">
>>>>>>                                   <RemoveFolder Id='TORTDEMO' 
>>>>>> On='uninstall' />
>>>>>>                                 </Component>
>>>>>>                               </Directory>
>>>>>>                             </Directory>
>>>>>>                           </Directory>
>>>>>>                           <Feature Id='Complete' Level='1'>
>>>>>>                             <ComponentRef Id='TORTDEMO' />
>>>>>>                           </Feature>
>>>>>>                         </Product>
>>>>>>                     *
>>>>>>                     **  <Fragment>**
>>>>>>                     **    <DirectoryRef Id="TORTDEMO">**
>>>>>>                     **    </DirectoryRef>**
>>>>>>                     **  </Fragment>*
>>>>>>                     </Wix>
>>>>>>                     I have tried to reference as given in the bold, but 
>>>>>> the directory
>>>>>>                     structure does not get created when i run the .msi 
>>>>>> installer an i am
>>>>>>                     getting the error C:\Program Files (x86)\WiX Toolset
>>>>>>                     v3.7\bin\TortEngineDemo.wxs(15) : error LGHT0
>>>>>>                     204 : ICE38: Component TORTDEMO installs to user 
>>>>>> profile. It must use a
>>>>>>                     registry
>>>>>>                        key under HKCU as its KeyPath, not a file.
>>>>>>                     Please help..
>>>>>>                     Regards,
>>>>>>                     Suvra Jyoti
>>>>>>                     On 15-11-2013 16:28, uholeschak wrote:
>>>>>>>                     I have two burn bundles (with different 
>>>>>>> UpgradeCodes)
>>>>>>>                     that contain the same MsiPackage, but with 
>>>>>>> different versions (different
>>>>>>>                     ProductCode).
>>>>>>>                     When I install the first burn bundle all is working 
>>>>>>> fine,
>>>>>>>                     but when installing the second bundle nothing is 
>>>>>>> happening (the
>>>>>>                     MsiPackage
>>>>>>>                     is not installed).
>>>>>>>                     Is there a way to force burn to update an existing 
>>>>>>> MsiPackage?
>>>>>>>                     --
>>>>>>>                     View this message in context:
>>>>>> http://windows-installer-xml-wix-toolset.687559.n2.nabble.com/MSI-packages-in-different-burn-bundles-not-updated-tp7590668.html
>>>>>>>                     Sent from the wix-users mailing list archive at 
>>>>>>> Nabble.com.
>>>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>                     DreamFactory - Open Source REST & JSON Services for 
>>>>>>> HTML5 & Native Apps
>>>>>>>                     OAuth, Users, Roles, SQL, NoSQL, BLOB Storage and 
>>>>>>> External API Access
>>>>>>>                     Free app hosting. Or install the open source 
>>>>>>> package on any LAMP server.
>>>>>>>                     Sign up and see examples for AngularJS, jQuery, 
>>>>>>> Sencha Touch and Native!
>>>>>> http://pubads.g.doubleclick.net/gampad/clk?id=63469471&iu=/4140/ostg.clktrk
>>>>>>>                     _______________________________________________
>>>>>>>                     WiX-users mailing list
>>>>>>>                     WiX-users@lists.sourceforge.net  
>>>>>>> <mailto:WiX-users@lists.sourceforge.net>
>>>>>>> https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/wix-users
>>>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>                     DreamFactory - Open Source REST & JSON Services for 
>>>>>> HTML5 & Native Apps
>>>>>>                     OAuth, Users, Roles, SQL, NoSQL, BLOB Storage and 
>>>>>> External API Access
>>>>>>                     Free app hosting. Or install the open source package 
>>>>>> on any LAMP server.
>>>>>>                     Sign up and see examples for AngularJS, jQuery, 
>>>>>> Sencha Touch and Native!
>>>>>> http://pubads.g.doubleclick.net/gampad/clk?id=63469471&iu=/4140/ostg.clktrk
>>>>>>                     _______________________________________________
>>>>>>                     WiX-users mailing list
>>>>>>                     WiX-users@lists.sourceforge.net  
>>>>>> <mailto:WiX-users@lists.sourceforge.net>
>>>>>> https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/wix-users
>>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>                     DreamFactory - Open Source REST & JSON Services for 
>>>>> HTML5 & Native Apps
>>>>>                     OAuth, Users, Roles, SQL, NoSQL, BLOB Storage and 
>>>>> External API Access
>>>>>                     Free app hosting. Or install the open source package 
>>>>> on any LAMP server.
>>>>>                     Sign up and see examples for AngularJS, jQuery, 
>>>>> Sencha Touch and Native!
>>>>> http://pubads.g.doubleclick.net/gampad/clk?id=63469471&iu=/4140/ostg.clktrk
>>>>>                     _______________________________________________
>>>>>                     WiX-users mailing list
>>>>>                     WiX-users@lists.sourceforge.net  
>>>>> <mailto:WiX-users@lists.sourceforge.net>
>>>>>                     https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/wix-users

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