Hi Bevan,

I have modified my source file as below. In the custom dialogs that i am 
using i have disabled the edit control that shows C:\Energy Solution 
International path(that part is not attached here). That's the way i 
thought of restricting the user and in the next dialog i am allowing the 
user to change the folder that is mapped to [MYFOLDER] property.

<Product Id="*" Name="$(var.pgmName)" Language="1033" 
Version="$(var.SvnVersionBuild)" Manufacturer='$(var.ManufacturerName)' 
     <Package Id="*" Keywords="Installer" Description="Installer 1.0" 
Comments='Installer' InstallerVersion='300' Languages='1033' 
Compressed='yes' SummaryCodepage='1252' InstallScope='perMachine' 

     <WixVariable Id="WixUILicenseRtf" Value="$(var.LicensePath)" />

     <Media Id='1' Cabinet='Tort.cab' EmbedCab='yes' DiskPrompt="CD-ROM 
     <Property Id='DiskPrompt' Value="Tort Installation [1]" />

     <Directory Id='TARGETDIR' Name='SourceDir'>
       <Directory Id ="DESTINATIONDIR" Name=".">
         <Directory Id='ENERGYSOLUTIONS'>
             <Directory Id='TORT' Name='.'>
               <Component Id="x86RegEntPLODbPath" 
Guid="A407D5B4-61F5-4CD6-8E76-3BD1C3949FE9" Win64="no">
                 <RegistryValue Id="x86DbPathRegValue" Root="HKLM" 
Key="SOFTWARE\$(var.RegKeyEntry)" Name="$(var.dbRegName)" 
Value="[TORT]$(var.DBFolder)" Type="string" />
               <Component Id="x64RegEntPLODbPath" 
Guid="56AE5376-4855-4C06-BB85-F669BB0C83F4" Win64="yes">
                 <RegistryValue Id="x64DbPathRegValue" Root="HKLM" 
Key="SOFTWARE\$(var.RegKeyEntry)" Name="$(var.dbRegName)" 
Value="[TORT]$(var.DBFolder)" Type="string" />
               <Component Id="x86RegEntPLODataPath" 
Guid="97403372-06ED-468A-9EB6-CC34FF2279A0" Win64="no">
                 <RegistryValue Id="x86DataPathRegValue" Root="HKLM" 
Key="SOFTWARE\$(var.RegKeyEntry)" Name="$(var.dataRegName)" 
Value="[TORT]$(var.DataFolder)" Type="string" />
               <Component Id="x64RegEntPLODataPath" 
Guid="877F685E-97C1-4E9E-A7E0-F7342CA01BB9" Win64="yes">
                 <RegistryValue Id="x64DataPathRegValue" Root="HKLM" 
Key="SOFTWARE\$(var.RegKeyEntry)" Name="$(var.dataRegName)" 
Value="[TORT]$(var.DataFolder)" Type="string" />

     <Component Id="PreferencesFile" 
Guid="{A4E1FFCE-1534-43BF-AA2B-CDFD39381720}" Directory="TARGETDIR">
       <File Id='preferences' 
Source='$(var.GuiPath)\screens\preferences.xml' KeyPath='yes'>
         <CopyFile Id='Copy_Prefs' DestinationProperty='DESTINATIONDIR'/>

     <SetDirectory Id="ENERGYSOLUTIONS" 

     <Feature Id='Complete' Title='Tort Installer' Description='Tort 
Installer' Level='1'>
       <ComponentGroupRef Id='db'/>
       <ComponentGroupRef Id='data'/>
       <ComponentGroupRef Id='engine'/>
       <ComponentGroupRef Id='security'/>
       <ComponentGroupRef Id='gui'/>
       <ComponentRef Id="x86RegEntPLODbPath"/>
       <ComponentRef Id="x64RegEntPLODbPath" />
       <ComponentRef Id="x86RegEntPLODataPath"/>
       <ComponentRef Id="x64RegEntPLODataPath" />
       <ComponentRef Id="PreferencesFile" />

     <Property Id="MYFOLDER" Value="PipelineOptimizer 6.0.0"/>
     <Property Id="APPNAME" Value="Energy Solutions International"/>

     <!--<UIRef Id="WixUI_InstallDir" />-->
     <UIRef Id="MyWebUI" />
     <CustomAction Id="AssignDestDir" Directory="TORT" 
     <CustomAction Id="AssignProgDataDir" Directory="DESTINATIONDIR" 

       <Custom Action="AssignDestDir" After="CostFinalize"></Custom>
       <Custom Action="AssignProgDataDir" After="CostFinalize"></Custom>


I am now able to create the structure under the programdata folder as i 
desired. But however while i am uninstalling the folders that get 
created on install such as db, gui,security, do not get removed although 
the registry keys get removed. On inspecting the log file i could find 
the below error.

Action start 14:29:08: CostFinalize.
MSI (s) (88:78) [14:29:08:578]: Disallowing uninstallation of component: 
{A5A114B9-ECE4-4EFE-8DE7-DA07E024554A} since another client exists

I however could not find any other installation on my system. Could you 
or someone please help on this. Its urgent.

Suvra Jyoti
On 20-03-2014 00:25, Bevan Weiss wrote:
> http://wixtoolset.org/documentation/manual/v3/howtos/files_and_registry/add_
> a_file.html
> Try this..
> <Directory Id="TARGETDIR" Name="SourceDir">
>      <Directory Id="ProgramFilesFolder">
>      </Directory>
>     <Directory Id="LocalAppDataFolder">
> PATH]"/>
>      </Directory>
> </Directory>
> I've never tried providing a formatted string, so it might not work.
> If it doesn't then you'll need to essentially do the same thing but using
> some custom action to modify the runtime database.
> If this doesn't work, then my suggestion would be that you give up.
> If it's really that important then eventually they will hire someone that
> will make it work ;)
> Regards,
> Bevan
>> Date: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 20:04:41 +0530
>> From: Suvrajyoti Panda <suvrajyo...@contata.co.in>
>> Subject: Re: [WiX-users] (Gentle Reminder)Creating directory under
>>      C:\Programdata same as what the user specified in the UI dialogue
>> Hi Bevan,
>> Could you please provide some sample code on how to have a formatted string
> as the folder names for these two items or the custom action thing.
>> Regards,
>> Suvra Jyoti
>> On 19-03-2014 17:37, Bevan Weiss wrote:
>>> Suvrajyoti,
>>> If you allow the INSTALLDIR to be changed, then the whole thing could
>>> be different...
>>> For instance if someone changed the INSTALLDIR to be C:\, then what do
>>> you consider that the C:\ProgramData.. folder should be named?
>>> I believe that you shouldn't allow the user to select any directory
>>> they like.
>>> Instead you should give them the option (via a customised gui page) of
>>> adding on a suffix to the installer directory that you have already
>>> hardcoded.
>>> Then you can just have your two folders be:
>>> C:\Program Files ()\{Manufacturer}\{Product Name} 06.00.00 {whatever
>>> user suffix they want} And C:\ProgramData\{Manufacturer}\{Product
>>> Name} 06.00.00 {whatever user suffix they want}
>>> This is possibly do-able by just having a formatted string as the
>>> folder names for these two items.
>>> If that doesn't work due to a WiX limitation, then you should be able
>>> to perform a custom action to modify the MSI in memory database early
>>> on to get the tables right for the actual installer operation.
>>> Regards,
>>> Bevan Weiss
>>> Date: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 13:57:28 +0530
>>> From: Suvrajyoti Panda <suvrajyo...@contata.co.in>
>>> Subject: Re: [WiX-users] (Gentle Reminder)Creating directory under
>>>     C:\Programdata same as what the user specified in the UI dialogue
>>> Thanks for the elaborate explanation, it made things clearer. But the
>>> current structure that i am trying to follow is something that has
>>> been decided upon.
>>> How would i parse the INSTALLDIR value after it's been changed in the
>>> UI and isolate out the part that has changed, i mean is there some
>>> sample code that you could provide me?
>>> On 18-03-2014 22:12, Phil Wilson wrote:
>>>> If you look at the tutorial and my previous example there are just a
>>>> couple of principles here that you can use to figure out directories
>>>> in general:
>>>> 1. The default installation folder must be a folder derived from
>>>> standard system folder properties such as [ProgramFilesFolder]. Not
>>>> only is that the correct default location, it is not hardcoded, it is
>>>> resolved at install time to the actual values, These folder
>>>> properties are automatically the right location, the right name for
>>>> non-English systems, and the right location for 32 or 64-bit systems.
>>>> So if you actually wanted to have some of your files in ProgramData
>>>> you would use [LocalAppDataFolder] as the root of the property you
>>>> use to construct your folder. The key here is that you use standard
>>>> properties to construct a property name that describes your actual
>>>> folder. Typically the default name for the main app folder is
>>>> INSTALLDIR, constructed from [ProgramFilesFolder] [Manufacturer]
>>>> [ProductName] and stick {ProductVersion] at the end if you like.
>>>> Similarly your ProgramData location could be called MYDATAFOLDER
>>>> constructed from [LocalAppDataFolder] {Manufacturer] [ProductName].
>>>> That also means, by the way, that your [ProductName] should be
>>>> Pipeline Optimizer and your [Manufacturer] property should be Energy
>>>> Solutions, so you don't need to specify the hardcoded values
>>>> everywhere. See Name and Manufacturer in the Product element.
>>>> 2. When the actual paths are constructed from properties, they are
>>>> automatically changed to reflect the user's choioce (if any) and the
>>>> actual paths on the system. That means that for your copyfile you
>>>> always do the copy from (for example) [SourceDir] to [INSTALLDIR] and
>>>> it will always be correct. Or it could be from [SourceDir] to
>>>> [MYDATAFOLDER] and it will always be correct. The main install folder
>>>> [INSTALLDIR]  (that can be altered) is nothing to do with the
>>>> LocalAppDataFolder location, which is usually a fixed directory with
>>>> your manufacturer and product name in it.
>>>> Having said that, and assuming I understand what you're trying to do,
>>>> I know of no built-in way to construct a custom ProgramData location
>>>> based on a UI change of INSTALLDIR. You would need to write code to
>>>> parse the INSTALLDIR value after it's been changed in the UI and
>>>> isolate out the part that has changed, and then set the property
>>>> MYDATAFOLDER to be [LocallAppDataFolder] plus whatever you parsed out
>>>> from INSTALLDIR. Your copyfile is still [SourceDir] to [MYDATAFOLDER].
>>>> If it's the app that requires the unusual install folder and the
>>>> variable preferences file location, it's rather unusual, that's why
>>>> it's making your setup require a bunch of extra work. If you've
>>>> invented some of this, you should reconsider.
>>>> ---------------
>>>> Phil Wilson
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