Does anyone know of a way we can detect if there are pending Windows Updates
or currently running Windows Updates?We have seen this issue quite a lot
where we have 32 bit assemblies within our installs that get installed and
then published near the end of the install. But if there are pending Windows
updates or running Windows Updates they seem to conflict with our Assembly
publish stage and therefore our installs will fail with assembly 1935 errors
or simple assembly sxs errors.When these occur we get customers to run our
clean up tool, verify that all Windows updates have been applied and then to
re-run our installs. Once this is done the install is successful.We want to
try to prevent these errors and therefore if we can detect if there are
Windows Updates or updates that are running then we can have the install
inform the user to finish the Windows updates before launching the
install.We have seen these issues too many times and would like to find a
way to prevent these install errors.So if anyone has seen these types of
issues, knows how to fix them, and/or knows how to detect pending Windows
updates then please let me know.Thanks. 

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