And more importantly, how would I write tests for these extensions?  Can I 
invoke the core somehow via  a unit test or do I need to write a little XML and 
test the output a-la blackbox testing?

Stephen Tunney

-----Original Message-----
From: Tunney, Stephen [] 
Sent: May-27-15 3:49 PM
To: General discussion about the WiX toolset.
Subject: [WiX-users] PreprocessorExtensions and accessing them from one another

Hey everyone,

I'm trying to write a new preprocessor extension and have it internally access 
the instance of another preprocessor extension already instantiated by the 
compiler.  Can I do this or do I have to evaluate the function within my XML 
and have that value passed in as an argument into my new extension?

It would be along the line of

Ext1:addStuffToContainer("hello", "test123", "anotherValue", "hello2", "bob", 
"rob", ...)

Instead of having to do
Ext2:doWork(Ext1:getContainerStuff("hello", 3, 4, 2, ...))

And Ext2 could enumerate over Ext1's contents and get something out of its 

I would really prefer to do this with as few "glue-code" pieces in the XML as 

Stephen Tunney

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