My ExePackage gets uninstalled during upgrades and I'd like to only
uninstall during an actual uninstall. Any suggestions on how I might go
about doing this? I was hoping I could do something in my bafunctions.dll
but I'm hitting a wall in my brainstorming.

My bundle consists of the following:
* A few pre-requisites (A) that will remain on the system after uninstall
* A pre-requisite ExePackage (B) that will be uninstalled only when my
product MSI is uninstalled
* My product MSI (C)

The package order in the chain is as follows:

  <PackageGroupRef Id="A"/>
  <PackageGroupRef Id="B"/>
  <PackageGroupRef Id="C"/>

B is an ExePackage that has DetectCondition and InstallCondition set.

During an install or uninstall the packages run in the expected order:
* Install: A, B, C
* Uninstall: C, B

However, during an upgrade I get an undesired order. A and B are not
upgraded because they are detected as already existing at the correct
version. C is upgraded to the new version. The last thing the new bundle
does is to uninstall the related bundle. In the log for the related bundle
uninstall I see that B is marked as Obsolete so it is uncached and
unregistered. BUT C is detected as Present and is thus selected to be

* Upgrade: C, UninstallRelatedBundle(B)

I'd like to only uninstall B when C is uninstalled. I think I have my
DetectCondition setup properly to install B when the new bundle contains a
new version of B. However, I never want to uninstall B during an upgrade. B
should be uninstalled only during an uninstall.

Edwin G. Castro
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